Is it possible to obtain the program counter (PC) register values of a running Java application, particularly one running in an Android emulator? gprof, for example, randomly samples PC register values in order to find which function is consuming the running time of the program. Does such a concept even make sense with the JVM? To clarify, I would like actual values of the program counter.
Also, is there some way I can measure how "spread out" the code is in memory? This can somewhat be measured in a regular program by looking at the range of addresses returned by objdump. However, this approach does not handle address of shared libraries, which again is a concept I don't understand in the context of the JVM.
许多Java分析器,例如 VisualVM 基于采样的性能分析,可能像您描述的那样工作.
Many Java profilers like VisualVM can do sampling-based profiling, which probably works like you describe.
As for code memory usage, this is what the "permanent generation" (PermGen) of the garbage collector mainly contains; VisualVM can display that as well.