


I'm trying to update a Docker image based on the official CentOS7 image. It is used as a builder for Node.js projects.

我需要添加 systemd-devel 包,以用于Node.js项目。编译一些依赖项,但是失败,并出现以下错误:

I need to add the systemd-devel package for compiling some dependencies, but this fails with the following error:

fakesystemd-1-17.el7.centos.noarch已安装冲突systemd:fakesystemd -1-17.el7.centos.noarch



fakesystemd 是CentOS Docker映像中的一个特殊程序包,它可以满足对Systemd的依赖性,而无需实际安装Systemd(毕竟,您通常不会需要容器内的初始化系统)。 yum info fakesystemd 会提供更多信息:

fakesystemd is a special package in the CentOS Docker image that satisfies the dependency to Systemd without actually installing Systemd (after all, you don't usually need an init system within a container). yum info fakesystemd tells a bit more:

要在映像中安装真实的systemd,您需要以以下形式运行yum swap命令:

To install the real systemd in the image you need to run yum swap command in this form:

yum swap -- remove fakesystemd -- install systemd systemd-libs

您需要将 fakesystemd 包换成 real systemd 软件包,然后还可以安装 systemd-devel

You need to swap the fakesystemd package with the "real" systemd package, and can then also install systemd-devel:

RUN yum swap -y fakesystemd systemd && \
    yum install -y systemd-devel


09-17 03:36