


I'm pretty new to Android Studio so I don't really know how to add a library (not a jar file, just a normal directory) to my android project. More exactly it's the pebblekit library I'm trying to add.

我一直在努力,而现在该做的我自己一个良好的和各地的互联网搜索W / O什么好结果。我使用Android的工作室0.4.2。

I've been trying to do this myself for a good while now and searching around internet w/o any good results. I'm using 0.4.2 of Android Studio.


Maybe someone can tell me what to do?



  1. 从卵石SDK集成到Android Studio中导入了Android PebbleKit项目。

  2. 关闭导入的项目,然后打开您正在使用的人。

  3. 在您的项目中创建了库文件夹

  4. 对于进口PebbleKit复制目录复制到库文件夹中,并将其重命名为PebbleKit

  5. 添加包括':库:PebbleKit。来YOUT settings.gradle文件|

  6. 打开你的模块设置,为您的应用

  7. 在添加一个模块依赖的库:PebbleKit

  1. Import the Android PebbleKit project from the pebble sdk into Android Studio.
  2. Close the imported project and open the one you were working on.
  3. Create a libraries folder in your project
  4. Copy the directory for the imported PebbleKit into the libraries folder and rename it to PebbleKit
  5. Add include ':libraries:PebbleKit' to yout settings.gradle file.|
  6. Open your module settings for your application
  7. Under add a module dependency for the libraries:PebbleKit


06-19 08:59