

$con = mysqli_connect('<remote server ip address>','root','*******','CSV_DB',);
if (!$con) {
    die('Could not connect: ' . mysqli_error($con));


I have a simple program to connect to a mysql server that I created using phpmyadmin, however I get the 'could not connect' message every time I try to connect.


I know that it could be a number of different issues but I'm really looking for advice on how to troubleshoot.


When I ssh as root to the server I can access the server using the terminal and everything is fine. However this connection which uses the same username/password/db/etc and I can't seem to log in. Also, the mysqli_error never prints-not sure why.



Here is a quick quick checklist for enabling Remote Connections for MySQL but read (6) first. If I have missed anything, feel free to edit.

1)您的远程用户正在通过使用相应的user,host条目创建的帐户进行连接(请查看select user,host from mysql.user order by 1,2的输出).如果不是,请查看 CREATE USER 并/或 GRANT 命令.检查 SHOW GRANTS 的输出

1) Your remote user is connecting through an account that was created with appropriate user,host entries (look at output from select user,host from mysql.user order by 1,2). If not, look into the CREATE USER and/or GRANT commands. Examine the output from SHOW GRANTS for the user.

2)您已经完成了 flush privileges; (有人说这是不必要的,有人说这是不必要的.

2) You have done flush privileges; (Some say it is unnecessary, others say it is).

3a)通过查看本文档(或者对于Windows,可能在C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.NNN路径下).对于Linux,这取决于发行版.

3a) Locate your mysql configuration file referenced in 3b) below by reviewing info in This Document (or for Windows, likely down the C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.NNN path). It varies by distro for Linux.

3b)您已经修改并保存了my.ini(Windows)或my.cnf(Linux),并从127.0.0.1localhost更改了bind-address,以支持0.0.0.0.您已经创建了 ,并删除了以下行:#skip-networking.它将类似于以下内容:

3b) You have modified and saved my.ini (Windows) or my.cnf (Linux) and changed bind-address away from or localhost, in favor of And you have created and rem'd out the following line: #skip-networking. It will look similar to this:



4) Restart the mysql daemon. How one does this varies by distro.

5)防火墙问题.确保端口(默认为3306)对外界开放(实际上可能只是您的Intranet).这包括任何其他防火墙层,例如AWS EC2安全组,或类似的防火墙(如果有).

5) Firewall issues. Make sure the port, default being 3306, is open to the outside world (which may in fact just be your intranet). This includes any other layers of firewalls, such as AWS EC2 Security Groups, or similar, if any.


6) Understand that there is a security risk associated with this. Unless you have knowledge of exposing your mysql server to remote connections, do not perform this.

7)请使用上面1.中列出的select语句进行频繁的安全评估,包括查看这些用户的SHOW GRANTS.不要不必要地给用户通配符.相反,为用户提供完成工作所需的最小特权.

7) Please run frequent security assessments with select statement listed in 1. above including reviewing the SHOW GRANTS for those users. Do not over-grant users with wildcard unnecessarily. Rather, give users the minimal privileges for them to get their work done.


8) Frequently examine failed connection attempts via the General Log and the Error Log as briefly introduced below.


For inbound, you can look at the general query log.

select @@general_log; -- a 1 indicates it is turned on for capture
select @@general_log_file; -- the file that it logs to

因此可以将所有查询 记录到常规查询日志(如果已启用该设置).检查日志中的连接",尤其是Access denied for user,以查看失败的尝试.定期执行此操作(不是每隔几年一次).我每天至少做两次.注意,您显然可以通过外部程序自动执行报告.外部环境将重击您的服务器,使其进入下图所示的状态.这是现实;为之做好准备.

So all the queries can be logged to the General Query Log if the setting is turned on. Examine the log for "connect", but especially for Access denied for user to see failed attempts. Do this regularly (not every few years). I do it at least twice a day. Note, you can obviously automate the reporting through an external program. The outside world is going to pound your server to get in like the image below. It is a reality; brace yourself for it.


Check out the manual page for The Error Log too, noting warning levels, and verbosity settings based on your version.


I would recommend that one create a backup copy by date (named as such) and delete the log files after backup to start fresh after the backup. The log files can grow huge in size rapidly, especially the General Log. Don't forget whether or not you have the setting turned on or off for logging.


You can use the two logs to determine if your connection attempt made it past the firewall during the steps here.


09-05 07:02