


Below json will use in `ng-repeat.

    "categoryId": 1,
    "categoryName": "Men",
    "subCategory": [
        "subCategoryId": 1,
        "subCategoryName": "Footwear"
        "subCategoryId": 3,
        "subCategoryName": "Cloths"
    "categoryId": 2,
    "categoryName": "Women",
    "subCategory": [
        "subCategoryId": 2,
        "subCategoryName": "Footwear"
    "categoryId": 3,
    "categoryName": "Kids",
    "subCategory": []

下面的代码有两个 ng-repeat 并显示上面json的数据。

Below code have two ng-repeat and showing data of above json.

<ul class="list-unstyled" ng-repeat="cat in catSubCat">
            <input type="checkbox" name="categories" id="category_{{cat.categoryId}}" ng-model="categoryChk" ng-change="categoryCheckBox(cat.categoryId, $index)" readonly><span class="gap">{{cat.categoryName}}</span>
        <ul class="list-unstyled" ng-repeat="subCat in cat.subCategory">
                    <input type="checkbox" name="subcategories" id="sub_category_{{subCat.subCategoryId}}" ng-model="subCategoryChk" ng-change="subCategoryCheckBox(cat.categoryId, subCat.subCategoryId, $index)"><span class="gap">{{subCat.subCategoryName}}</span></label>


In this code I am trying to console the models to check whether the checkbox are checked or not

$scope.subCategoryCheckBox = function(catId, subId, index) {

$scope.categoryCheckBox = function(catId, index) {

我正在尝试检查是否在<$ c中选中了复选框$ c> $ scope.subCategoryCheckBox()和 $ scope.categoryCheckBox()在控制台中打印模型。但它在控制台中显示 undefined

I am trying to check whether the checkbox are checked or not inside $scope.subCategoryCheckBox() and $scope.categoryCheckBox() by printing model in console. But it is showing undefined in console.



Make the following changes to your code:

  • 使vars categoryChk subCategoryChk 对象(也可能是数组),如下所示:

  • Make the vars categoryChk and subCategoryChk objects (it could be arrays too), like this:

$ scope.categoryChk = {};
$ scope.subCategoryChk = {};

更改html中模型的分配,以便匹配与之前创建的对象。对于类别,从: ng-model =categoryChk到此: ng-model =categoryChk [cat.categoryId] ...以及子类别,从: model =subCategoryChk到此 model =subCategoryChk [subCat.subCategoryId]

Change the assignation to the model in the html in order to match with the previously created objects. For categories, from this: ng-model="categoryChk" to this: ng-model="categoryChk[cat.categoryId]" ... and for the subcategories, from this: model="subCategoryChk" to this model="subCategoryChk[subCat.subCategoryId]".


Now in the functions you can access the model throught the index passes as argument like this:

$scope.subCategoryCheckBox = function(catId, subId, index) {

$scope.categoryCheckBox = function(catId, index) {


See working snippet and explanation below.

(function() {
    .module('app', [])
    .controller('ctrl', ctrl);

  function ctrl($scope) {

    $scope.catSubCat = [{
        "categoryId": 1,
        "categoryName": "Men",
        "subCategory": [{
            "subCategoryId": 1,
            "subCategoryName": "Footwear"
            "subCategoryId": 3,
            "subCategoryName": "Cloths"
        "categoryId": 2,
        "categoryName": "Women",
        "subCategory": [{
          "subCategoryId": 2,
          "subCategoryName": "Footwear"
        "categoryId": 3,
        "categoryName": "Kids",
        "subCategory": []

    $scope.categoryChk = {};
    $scope.subCategoryChk = {};

    $scope.subCategoryCheckBox = function(catId, subId, index) {

    $scope.categoryCheckBox = function(catId, index) {


<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>

<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="ctrl">

  <ul class="list-unstyled" ng-repeat="cat in catSubCat">
            <input type="checkbox" name="categories" id="category_{{cat.categoryId}}" ng-model="categoryChk[cat.categoryId]" ng-change="categoryCheckBox(cat.categoryId, $index)" readonly><span class="gap">{{cat.categoryName}}</span>
      <ul class="list-unstyled" ng-repeat="subCat in cat.subCategory">
                    <input type="checkbox" name="subcategories" id="sub_category_{{subCat.subCategoryId}}" ng-model="subCategoryChk[subCat.subCategoryId]" ng-change="subCategoryCheckBox(cat.categoryId, subCat.subCategoryId, $index)"><span class="gap">{{subCat.subCategoryName}}</span></label>


事情是,当您将 categoryChk subCategoryChk 分配给您的模型时,它会分配相同的 ng-model 分别对所有类别和子类别。这不是你希望它工作的方式,你需要为每个检查指定一个不同的模型(当你执行 categoryChk [cat.categoryId] 时,你动态创建该模型的 categoryChk 中的属性,等等 ng-repeat 中的每个类别,这就是你的方法希望它工作)

The thing is, when you assign categoryChk and subCategoryChk to your model it assigns the same ng-model to all categories and subcategories respectively. This is not the way you want it to work, you need to assign a different model for every check (when you do categoryChk[cat.categoryId], you create on the fly an attribute in categoryChk for that model, and so on for every category in the ng-repeat, this is how you want it to work)


08-01 13:46