Hi I get this is Error when I search with employee number instead of something else i.e name or email address Missing operand after 'Employee_ID ' operator? Please assist in providing guideline for the rightway of filtering gridview
private void txtSearch_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
string outputInfo = "";
string[] keyWords = txtSearch.Text.Split(' ');
try {
foreach (string word in keyWords)
if (outputInfo.Length == 0)
/*Convert Employee number to string if search text is numbers*/
outputInfo = "(Firstname LIKE '%" + word + "%' OR LastName LIKE '%" +
word + "%' OR Emailaddress LIKE '%" + word + "%' OR GID LIKE '%" + word + "%' OR '" + string.Format("'Employee_ID LIKE '%" + word + "%')");
/*Convert Employee number to string if search text is numbers*/
outputInfo = "(Firstname LIKE '%" + word + "%' OR LastName LIKE '%" +
word + "%' OR Emailaddress LIKE '%" + word + "%' OR GID LIKE '%" + word + "%' OR '" + string.Format("'Employee_ID LIKE '%" + word.ToString() + "%')");
//Applies the filter to the DataView
myView.RowFilter = outputInfo.ToString();
}catch(Exception ex){
MessageBox.Show("Result " + ex.Message.ToString() + " Not Found");
What I have tried:
I have tried to convert Employee_ID to string not sure if i am doing it right
outputInfo = "(Firstname LIKE '%" + word + "%' OR LastName LIKE '%" +
word + "%' OR Emailaddress LIKE '%" + word + "%' OR GID LIKE '%" + word + "%' OR '" + string.Format("'Employee_ID LIKE '%" + word + "%')");
OR '" + string.Format("'Employee_ID
在<$ c之后看起来像额外的单引号$ c> OR 之前 Employee_ID
/*Convert Employee_ID column to string before using like */
outputInfo = "(Firstname LIKE '%" + word + "%' OR LastName LIKE '%" + word + "%' OR Emailaddress LIKE '%" + word + "%' OR GID LIKE '%" + word + "%' OR "+ string.Format("CONVERT(Employee_ID,'System.String')")+" LIKE '%" + word + "%')";
That works just fine. I hope someone finds it useful. Thanks all in advance for assistance