


I have access to a company's unique linked in ID and would like to be able to do a search for its job postings; however, the only company-related input for the job-search call is company-name, and the companies call does not appear to offer job postings in the output.


Is my only option to use the companies call to get the company name and then make a separate call with the acquired company name (and then subsequent calls for each returned job so that I can get the title of the position offering)?


I also have access to the company's name on my site, but any discrepancy between my data and LinkedIn's could return postings for other companies or miss the postings I want.



LinkedIn may someday improve their API to handle requests such as the one needed here. But for now, it looks like the only way to get all job postings for a company based on the company ID is to make 2 separate preliminary calls (one to acquire the company name using the company ID, then a second to acquire all jobs based on the company name). Then another call to the API must be made for each job ID returned by the second call.


08-15 20:16