


package com.gmail.oksandum.test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    public void foo() {
        class LocalFoo {

            LocalFoo(String in) {
                //Some logic


        List<String> ls = new ArrayList<>();
        ls.stream().map(LocalFoo::new); //Line 21



my IDE gives me no errors. That is, until I try to build the project and run it. When I do that it gives me a compiler error that looks like this:

Error:(21, 24) java: incompatible types: cannot infer type-variable(s) R
    (argument mismatch; invalid constructor reference
      cannot access constructor LocalFoo(java.lang.String)
        an enclosing instance of type com.gmail.oksandum.test.Test is not in scope)


Now, I figured, given the error message, that this wouldn't happen if foo() were static. And quite right, this only happens if foo() is an instance method. And it only happens if LocalFoo is a local class in the instance method, and only if a constructor reference is used (i.e never a regular method reference).


What's more, if I change line 21 into

ls.stream().map(str -> new LocalFoo(str));



So to recap. If I try to use a constructor reference on a local class declared within an instance method, the compiler complains about not being able to access the constructor, about which I am confused.


If someone could shed some light on why this happens it would be appreciated.Thanks.


看起来 LocalFoo 被视为待遇不知何故,像一个非静态类。这就是为什么它声称没有测试的实例在范围内。

It looks like LocalFoo is treated somehow like a non-static class. That's why it claims no instance of Test is in scope.


方法 foo()或类 LocalFoo 必须是静态的才能工作。但是方法中的类不能声明为static。因此,如果 foo()应保持非静态(作为内部静态类),则必须将其移出方法。

ls.stream()。map(s - > new LocalFoo(s));

The method foo() or the class LocalFoo must be static for this to work. But a class inside a method can't be declared as static. So you'd have to move it out of the method if foo() should remain nonstatic (as an inner, static class).Another option is to just use this:
ls.stream().map(s -> new LocalFoo(s));

应该有一种方法可以说 Test.this.LocalFoo ,但这不起作用。如果确实如此,编译器也应该只接受 LocalFoo :: new

There should be a way to just say Test.this.LocalFoo, but that doesn't work. And if it did the compiler should also just accept LocalFoo::new.


(参见 )

There is a bug report now: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8144673
(See comment by Brian Goetz)


06-19 05:10