所以我有操作员表名为主键。每个操作者可以操作那些列车的一定比例。例如运营商a30 =这些服务的30%和运营商b 70%的那些服务100全部等等...
否,对于列车起点和终点站点,您可以使用您的操作框来表示与OperatorID / TrainID的键表。不需要另一个表,只需要列表中的字段。
E diagram which i need to turn into databse. I know my primary keys but do not really understand how to link the different tables together.
So I have operator table with name as primary key. Each operator can operate certain proportion of those trains. e.g operator "a" 30 = 30% of those services and operator b 70% of those services 100 all of them etc...This is the part im stuck with. Do I need another table to link these two tables together ?
for each train i need to store which station it starts from and where its going to terminate (destination) once again do i create new table for this ?
Thank you in advance
You can use your Operates box as a representation of your keys table with OperatorID/TrainID to associate operators with trains.
No, for train start and end stationIDs, you don't need another table, just fields in the Train table.
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