

我有一个 PFUser 对象,其中有几个 PFRelation 指向其他对象。当我运行以下代码时:

I have a PFUser object with several PFRelation pointing to other objects. When I run the following code:

PFRelation *relation = [[PFUser currentUser] relationForKey:@"Relation"];
PFQuery *query = [relation query];
[query findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error){
    NSLog(@"%@", objects);


it works fine. However, when I want to do the same from the local data store:

PFRelation *relation = [[PFUser currentUser] relationForKey:@"Relation"];
PFQuery *query = [[relation query] fromLocalDataStore]; // !!!
[query findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error){
    NSLog(@"%@", objects);

它没有返回任何内容,尽管事实上我用<$ c固定了我的用户和相关对象$ c> [myObject pinInBackground] 。

it returns nothing, despite the fact I've pinned both my user and related objects with [myObject pinInBackground].

为什么 PFRelation 查询不支持 fromLocalDataStore ?我做错了什么?

Why PFRelation queries does not support fromLocalDataStore? What I'm doing wrong?



I've created a bug report for this issue which is


So it looks like it's a bug

In与此同时,我已将所有 PFRelations 转换为指向相关 PFObject 的指针数组。不像 PFRelation 那样花哨,但适用于本地数据存储。

In the meanwhile, I've converted all my PFRelations to arrays of pointers to related PFObjects. Not as fancy as PFRelation, but works fine with local data storage.

更新 :在Parse SDK v.1.7.3中解析

Update: parse solved the issue in Parse SDK v.1.7.3


06-19 04:22