本文介绍了将NMR ascii文件转换为峰列表的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一些Bruker NMR光谱,我正在用它来创建一个程序,并将其作为项目的一部分.我的程序需要在实际频谱上工作.因此,我将布鲁克NMR光谱的1r文件转换为ASCII.对于Carnitine,这是ascii文件的外观(这不是完整列表.完整列表运行成千上万行.这只是一个快照):

I have some Bruker NMR spectra that i am using to create a program as part of a project. My program needs to work on the actual spectrum. So i converted the 1r files of the Bruker NMR spectra to ASCII. For Carnitine this is what the ascii file looks like(this is not the complete list. The complete list runs into thousands of lines. This is only a snapshot):

-0.807434   -23644
-0.807067   -22980
-0.806701   -22967
-0.806334   -24513
-0.805967   -27609
-0.805601   -31145
-0.805234   -33951
-0.804867   -35553
-0.804501   -35880
-0.804134   -35240
-0.803767   -34626
-0.8034  -34613
-0.803034   -34312
-0.802667   -32411
-0.8023  -28925
-0.801934   -25177
-0.801567   -22132
-0.8012  -19395


and this is what the spectrum is:


My program has to identify the peaks from this data. So i need to know how to interpret these numbers. And how exactly they are converted into their appropriate values in the spectrum. So far this is what i have learnt:


1.) The first column represents the spectral point position (ppm)


2.) The second column represents the intensity of each peak.


3.) notice that in the second column there are some numbers which are not perfectly aligned but are closer to the first column. Eg:-34613, -28925, -19395. I think this is significant.


For the sake of full disclosure- I am doing the programming in R.


NOTE: I have also asked this in Biostar but i think i have a better chance of getting an answer here than there because not many people seem to be answering questions there.


This is one solution that i have found is plausible:


A friend gave me the idea to use an awk script to check where exactly the intensities in the file change from positive to negative to find the local maxima. Here is a working script:

awk 'BEGIN{dydx = 0;}
  if(NR > 1)
     { dydx = ($2 - y0)/($1 - x0); }
  if(NR > 2 && last * dydx < 0)
     { printf( "%.4f  %.4f\n", (x0 + $1)/2, log((dydx<0)?-dydx:dydx)); } ;
  last=dydx; x0=$1; y0=$2
}' /home/chaitanya/Work/nmr_spectra/caffeine/pdata/1/spectrumtext.txt  | awk '$2 > 17'


Tell me if you dont understand it. I will improve the explanation.


Also, there is this related question i asked.



Here's a worked example with a reproducible piece of code. I don't claim it's any good with regard to the strategy or coding, but it could get you started.

find_peaks <- function (x, y, n.fine = length(x), interval = range(x), ...) {
  maxdif <- max(diff(x)) # longest distance between successive points

  ## selected interval for the search
  range.ind <- seq(which.min(abs(x - interval[1])),
                   which.min(abs(x - interval[2])))
  x <- x[range.ind]
  y <- y[range.ind]

  ## smooth the data
  spl <- smooth.spline(x, y, ...)
  ## finer x positions
  x.fine <- seq(range(x)[1], range(x)[2], length = n.fine)
  ## predicted y positions
  y.spl <- predict(spl, x.fine, der = 0)$y
  ## testing numerically the second derivative
  test <- diff(diff((y.spl), 1) > 0, 1)
  maxima <- which(test == -1) + 1

  ## according to this criterion, we found rough positions
  guess <- data.frame(x=x.fine[maxima], y=y.spl[maxima])

  ## cost function to maximize
  obj <- function(x) predict(spl, x)$y

  ## optimize the peak position around each guess
  fit <- data.frame(do.call(rbind,
          lapply(guess$x, function(g) {
            fit <- optimize(obj, interval = g + c(-1,1) * maxdif, maximum=TRUE)

  ## return both guesses and fits
  invisible(list(guess=guess, fit=fit))

x <- seq(1, 15, length=100)
y <- jitter(cos(x), a=0.2)

res <- find_peaks(x,y)

这篇关于将NMR ascii文件转换为峰列表的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-21 11:47