本文介绍了基于时间的目录结构 Apache Drill的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有如下按日期和时间组织的 CSV 文件

I have CSV files organized by date and time as follows

logs/YYYY/MM/DD/CSV files...

我已设置 Apache Drill 以在这些 CSV 文件之上执行 SQL 查询.由于有很多CSV文件;可以利用文件的组织来优化性能.例如,

I have setup Apache Drill to execute SQL queries on top of these CSV files. Since there are many CSV files; the organization of the files can be utilized to optimize the performance. For example,

SELECT * from data where trans>='20170101' AND trans<'20170102';

在此 SQL 中,应扫描目录 logs/2017/01/01 中的数据.有没有办法让Apache Drill根据这个目录结构做优化?是否可以在 Hive、Impala 或任何其他工具中执行此操作?

In this SQL, the directory logs/2017/01/01 should be scanned for data. Is there a way to let Apache Drill do optimization based on this directory structure? Is it possible to do this in Hive, Impala or any other tool?


  • SQL 查询几乎总是包含时间范围.
  • 给定目录中的 CSV 文件数量并不多.结合所有年份的数据,这将是巨大的
  • 每个 CSV 文件中都有一个名为trans"的字段,其中包含日期和时间.
  • CSV 文件会根据 'trans' 字段的值放置在适当的目录下.
  • CSV 文件不遵循任何架构.列可能不同,也可能不同.



Querying using column inside the data file would not help in partition pruning.

您可以在 Drill 中使用 dir* 变量来引用表中的分区.

You can use dir* variables in Drill to refer to partitions in table.

create view trans_logs_view as
 `dir0` as `tran_year`,
 `dir1` as `trans_month`,
 `dir2` as `tran_date`, * from dfs.`/data/logs`;

您可以使用 tran_year、tran_month 和 tran_date 列进行查询以进行分区修剪.

You can query using tran_year,tran_month and tran_date columns for partition pruning.


Also see if below query helps for pruning.

select count(1)  from dfs.`/data/logs`
where concat(`dir0`,`dir1`,`dir2`) between '20170101' AND '20170102';

如果是这样,您可以通过将 concat(dir0,dir1,dir2) 别名为 trans 来定义视图列名和查询.

If so , you can define view by aliasing concat(dir0,dir1,dir2) to trans column name and query.


See below for more details.


这篇关于基于时间的目录结构 Apache Drill的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

06-27 17:57