我是德鲁伊的新手.我已经读过《德鲁伊VS Elasticsearch》,但是我仍然不知道德鲁伊擅长什么.
I'm new to druid. I've already read "druid VS Elasticsearch", but I still don't know what druid is good at.
I have a solr cluster with 70 nodes.
I have a very big table in solr which has 1 billion rows, and each row has 100 fields.
The user will use different combinations range query of fields (20 combinations at least in one query) to count the distinct number of customer id, but the solr's distinct count algorithm is very slow and uses a lot of memory, so if the query result is more than 200 thousand, the solr's query node will crash.
Does druid has better performance than solr in distinct count?
Druid is vastly different from search-specific databases like ES/Solr. It is a database designed for analytics, where you can do rollups, column filtering, probabilistic computations, etc.
通过使用HyperLogLog(概率数据结构),Druid确实具有独特的意义.因此,如果您不担心100%的准确性,那么您绝对可以尝试Druid,而我在我的一个项目中看到的响应时间得到了极大的改善.但是,如果您在乎准确性,那么Druid可能不是最佳解决方案(即使在Druid中也有可能实现,但会影响性能并占用额外的空间)-在此处查看更多信息: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/druid-development/AMSOVGx5PhQ
Druid does count distinct through its use of HyperLogLog, which is a probabilistic data-structure. So if you dont worry about 100% accuracy, you can definitely try Druid and I have seen drastic improvements in response times in one of my projects. But, if you care about accuracy, then Druid might not be the best solution (even though it is quite possible to achieve in Druid as well, with performance hits and extra space taken up) - see more here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/druid-development/AMSOVGx5PhQ
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