本文介绍了在春季,'autowire = Autowire.NO'是做什么的?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



From this Spring documentation I know that when I use @Bean, the default is already equivalent to:

@Bean(autowire = Autowire.NO)

@Bean(autowire = Autowire.NO)

我只是想了解这对我意味着什么。如果我的系统是100%Java Config 并且没有XML配置,那么据我所知,当我使用@Bean时, Autowire.no不会产生任何影响。

I am just trying to understand what this means for me. If my system is 100% Java Config and has no XML configuration, then from what I can tell, when I use @Bean, the 'Autowire.no' has no impact whatsoever.


没有影响是指其他@Autowired引用到该bean的是自动装配的(在其他Java Config类中)。我怀疑这是因为在Java Config中没有定义显式的 ref元素,所以此(默认)设置无效。

By "no impact" I mean that other @Autowired references to this bean ARE autowired (in other Java Config classes). I suspect that is because with Java Config there is no explicit 'ref element' defined, so this (default) setting has no effect.



package a.b.c;

public class AlphaConfig {

    @Bean(autowire = Autowire.NO)
    public AlphaBeanType alphaBean() {
        return new AlphaBeanType();


package d.e.f;

import a.b.c.AlphaBeanType;

public class AnotherConfig {

    private AlphaBeanType alphaBeanType;

    . . .


What I see is that 'alphaBeanType' is always autowired in the second config class - which seems to be in conflict with the documentation - hence my question.



Of course, I can't quite tell from the documentation! Does anyone know for sure?


设置 Autowire.NO 不会表示该豆不能通过 @Autowire 注入其他豆中。 @Autowire 默认情况下按类型工作,也可以使用 @Qualifier 按名称工作。

Setting Autowire.NO does not mean that the bean cannot be injected in other beans via @Autowire. @Autowire works by default by type, and can also work by name using @Qualifier.


So if your bean has the right type or name, it will get inject in other beans, that's normal.

Autowire.NO 的含义类似于:


This a code example of how this works, let's define two beans:

public class MyBeanTwo {

    public MyBeanTwo() {
        System.out.println(">>> MY Bean 2 created!");

public class MyBean {

    private MyBeanTwo myBeanTwo;

    public MyBean() {
        System.out.println(">>>MyBean created !!");

    public void setMyBeanTwo(MyBeanTwo myBeanTwo) {
        System.out.println(">>> Injecting MyBeanTwo INTO MyBeanOne !!!");
        this.myBeanTwo = myBeanTwo;


public class SimpleConfigOne {

    public MyBean createMyBean()   {
        return new MyBean();

    public MyBeanTwo createMyBeanTwo() {
        return new MyBeanTwo();


With this configuration, the startup of this application gives this log:

>>>MyBean created !!
>>> MY Bean 2 created!

每个Bean均创建了一个实例,但 MyBean 没有注入 MyBeanTwo ,即使存在具有正确类型的强韧豆。

Meaning one instance of each bean was created, but MyBean did NOT get injected with MyBeanTwo, even tough a bean with the correct type existed.

通过声明 MyBean 像这样:

@Bean(autowire = Autowire.BY_TYPE)
public MyBean createMyBean()   {
    return new MyBean();

MyBeanOne 现在可以通过按类型自动装配来设置其属性。

MyBeanOne is now eligible to have it's properties set via autowiring by type.


>>>MyBean created !!
>>> MY Bean 2 created!
>>> Injecting MyBeanTwo INTO MyBeanOne !!!

这表明 MyBean MyBeanTwo 通过按类型注入按类型进行注入。

This shows that MyBean had MyBeanTwo injected by type via a by type injection.


通常,我们不想自动连接使用 @Bean 创建的bean的属性。我们通常要做的是通过代码显式设置属性以提高可读性,作为一种文档形式,并确保将属性设置为正确的值。

Usually we don't want to autowire the properties of beans created with @Bean. What we usually do is set the properties explicitly via code for readability, as a form of documentation and to make sure the property is set with the correct value.

这篇关于在春季,'autowire = Autowire.NO'是做什么的?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-16 23:01