


It is very important that my service stay running until someone with a password stops the service from my UI screen. My app runs great but it is designed to be turned on/off by parents (with a password) on their kids phones. I have managed to make everything work but the problem I'm having is that if the kid uses a task manager to kill my service then my app is useless. I would be grateful to anyone who knows a way to either


1) monitor the service and start it back up automatically if its "killed"or2) prevent someone from being able to kill it except from the activity (administration screen) that launched the service. Or both?


I'm sorry if I'm not very clear in describing the problem, I'm a beginner. I've made great progress so far but I am stuck at this last hurdle.


您可以使用API​​方法: startForeground()。这里是它的解释:

You can use API method: startForeground(). Here is the explanation of it:

一个启动的服务可以使用startForeground(INT,通知)API  把服务在前台状态,其中该系统会考虑  它是什么,用户正在积极知道,因此不是  候选人内存查杀的时候低。 (它仍然是理论上  可能的服务,在极端的内存pressure被杀死  从目前的前台应用程序,但在实践中,这应该  不会成为问题。)


Here you can find an example how to use this.


As for the question, you cannot prevent a service from being killed. It can be killed by the system. Even system services can be killed. If this happens they are restarted. You may use the same approach.


08-28 07:01