

我试图让我的服务在前台运行。我试图用这个例子(请认准节的在前台运行的服务的),但 startForeground()实际上并没有显示我的通知。而没有异常被抛出。为了使它显示,我需要使用 NotificationManager 喜欢这里 的解释。随着 NotificationManager 我的通知工作,但我不知道我的服务终止后,这个无声电话的前景 startForeground()

I am trying to make my Service running in foreground. I tried to use this example (please look for the section "Running a Service in the Foreground"), but startForeground() does not actually show my notification. And no exceptions is thrown. To make it shown, i need to use NotificationManager like here explained. With NotificationManager my notification works, but i'm not sure that my Service is foreground after this "silent" call to startForeground().


修改:我只是测试此示例项目应该表现出 startForeground() ,但它不工作!我使用的API v7.0的,我无论在模拟器和真实设备(SE的Xperia新)进行了测试。通知将不会出现。

EDIT: I just tested this sample project that should demonstrate startForeground(), but it does not work! I use API v7.0, i tested it both on emulator and real device (SE Xperia Neo). Notification does not appear.

EDIT2 :如果我试图调用 setForeground()然后我得到了一个警告 setForeground:无视旧的API调用

EDIT2: if i try to call setForeground() then i got a warning setForeground: ignoring old API call.

我还试图用 startForegroundCompat()这里描述,但效果是absolutelly相同。检查我的服务使用前景 ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo 描述这里,和我看到我的服务的不可以前景。

I also tried to use startForegroundCompat() as described here, but effect is absolutelly the same. I check if my service is foreground using ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo as described here, and i see that my service is not foreground.


我只注意到 startForeground()不显示通知图标,如果 ID 参数设置为 0 ...

I just noticed that startForeground() doesn't show the notification icon if the id parameter is set to 0...

startForeground(0, notification); // Doesn't work...

startForeground(1, notification); // Works!!!


I hope that it could help someone stuck on this.


06-19 00:16