


I have data like below. Filename:babynames.csv.

year    name    percent     sex
1880    John    0.081541    boy
1880    William 0.080511    boy
1880    James   0.050057    boy


I need to sort the input based on year and sex and I want the output aggregated like below (this output is to be assigned to a new RDD).

year    sex   avg(percentage)   count(rows)
1880    boy   0.070703         3


I am not sure how to proceed after the following step in pyspark. Need your help on this

testrdd = sc.textFile("babynames.csv");
rows = testrdd.map(lambda y:y.split(',')).filter(lambda x:"year" not in x[0])
aggregatedoutput = ????


  1. 按照自述文件中的说明进行操作,以包含 spark-csv
  2. 加载数据

  1. Follow the instructions from the README to include spark-csv package
  2. Load data

df = (sqlContext.read
    .options(inferSchema="true", delimiter=";", header="true")

  • 导入所需功能

  • Import required functions

    from pyspark.sql.functions import count, avg

  • 分组依据和汇总(可选使用Column.alias:

    df.groupBy("year", "sex").agg(avg("percent"), count("*"))

  • 或者:

    • percent转换为数字
    • 重塑为格式((yearsex),percent)
    • aggregateByKey使用pyspark.statcounter.StatCounter
    • cast percent to numeric
    • reshape to a format ((year, sex), percent)
    • aggregateByKey using pyspark.statcounter.StatCounter


    08-05 08:38