我正在创建运行多个微服务的小型应用程序.我想这个应用程序全天候24/7可用,所以免费的dyno小时对我来说还不够.如果我升级到 hobby
计划,我会得到 10种流程类型
I am creating small app running multiple microservices. I would like to have this app available 24/7, so free dyno hours are not enough for me. If I upgrade to a hobby
plan I would get 10 Process Types
我可以在每个进程(Web)上运行另一种微服务,还是Heroku只能让每个dyno安装一个Web进程,而其他 10种进程类型
Can I run another microservice on each of the processes (web), or does Heroku give me the ability only to install one web process per dyno, and the other 10 process types
are for scaling my app? In other words, If i need 6 microservices running 24/7 should I buy 6 hobby dynos?
您只能使用1种Web进程类型.您可以水平缩放Web进程以在多个dyno上运行(水平可伸缩性"),但是您需要至少升级到标准的1x dyno类型才能做到这一点(即,如果您正在使用,则只能运行1个Web dyno实例.免费或爱好测功类型).
You can only have 1 web process type. You can horizontally scale your web process to run on multiple dynos ("horizontal scalability"), however you will need to upgrade to at least standard-1x dyno types to do that (i.e. you can only run 1 web dyno instance if you are using free or hobby dyno types).
However, in addition to your web process, you can instantiate multiple additional process types (e.g. "worker" processes). These will NOT be able to listen on HTTP/S requests from your clients, but can be used for offloading long-running jobs from your web process.
So, if you map each of your 4-6 microservices to a different Process Type in your Procfile, and if your microservices are not themselves web servers, you might be able to make do with hobby dynos.