我正在尝试在没有亚马逊回声单元的情况下将亚马逊技能套件集成到我的网站中。我想在我的网站上使用笔记本电脑/ PC麦克风而不是回声单元来实现语音命令。
I am trying to integrate amazon skill kit in my website without an amazon echo unit. I want to implement voice commands on my website using the laptop/PC microphone instead of an echo unit.
I have used this tutorial but I didn't find anything about how to implement it on my side.
我还尝试了这些示例在github上可用。但我认为这些也需要Amazon echo设备:
I also tried these samples available on github. But I think these also require an Amazon echo device:https://github.com/amzn/alexa-skills-kit-js
I am using Windows with the development environment given below
- 我能够为Alexa技能配置Web服务器,并且可以正常工作
- Asp.Net
- C#
- Javascript / Jquery
- Azure
- I am able to configure web server for Alexa skills and it is working
- Asp.Net
- C#
- Javascript / Jquery
- Azure
是否可以在没有回声设备的情况下使用Amazon Alexa技能套件?
Is it possible to use Amazon Alexa Skill Kit without an echo device?
It's a web simulator of an Echo device.
It behaves just like any other Alexa 'device'. Login with your Amazon account and it picks up all your selected skills, etc. Shows up as just another device in the Alexa app.
Only downsides: You have to click to talk, and it's pretty slow, presumably because it has to receive, buffer, convert and re-ship the audio.
此外,我不确定您如何注册/首先不用Echo / Dot设备就可以连接到Alexa服务,但是我认为有办法。
Also, I'm not sure how you register/connect to the Alexa service in the first place without an Echo/Dot device, but I assume there is a way.
最近,有很多免费的3rd- Android和iOS设备上的第三方应用程序,还可以模拟Alexa / Echo设备。在您的App / Play商店中搜索 Alexa,然后尝试其中的一些。 混响是一个:
More recently, there are a number of free 3rd-party apps on Android and iOS devices to also simulate an Alexa/Echo device. Search for 'Alexa' in your App/Play store and try a few of them out. "Reverb" is one: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/reverb-for-amazon-alexa/id1144695621
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