


So, I just realised that I have absolutely no Idea what Sprockets are in rails.

当使用bootstrap或者实现时,要求包含 sprocket (bootstrap-sprocket或materialize-sprocket)在 application.js 文件中。

when using either bootstrap, or materialize, it is requested to include the sprocket (bootstrap-sprocket or materialize-sprocket) in the application.js file.


Everything I search talks about the asset pipeline and confuses me the more.


According to ruby-guides,

当我做捆绑show sprockets-rails 时,我得到了:



但是我的困惑和我的问题是 sprockets的重要性是什么,而不是 sprockets-rails ,这使得其他宝石像 bootstrap 具体化,可能还有其他人有 sprockets ,特别是在他们的javascript文件中?

But my confusion and my question is that what is the importance of sprockets, as opposed to sprockets-rails that made other gems like bootstrap and materialize and probably some others to have sprockets, especially in their javascript files?



Sprockets是一个用于编译和提供Web资产的Ruby库。 Sprockets允许将应用程序的JavaScript文件组织成更小,更易于管理的块,这些块可以分布在多个目录和文件中。它提供了有关如何在我们的项目中包含资产的结构和实践。

Sprockets is a Ruby library for compiling and serving web assets. Sprockets allows to organize an application’s JavaScript files into smaller more manageable chunks that can be distributed over a number of directories and files. It provides structure and practices on how to include assets in our projects.


Using directives at the start of each JavaScript file, Sprockets can determine which files a JavaScript file depends on. When it comes to deploying your application, Sprockets then uses these directives to turn your multiple JavaScript files into a single file for better performance.


06-18 13:11