我正在努力使Glassfish 3.1.1登录到syslog,但我无法这样做.我不知道这是否是错误,但我什至不知道如何调试它.
I'm struggling to make Glassfish 3.1.1 to log to syslog, but I'm unable to. I don't know if it's a bug, but I don't even know how to debug it.
First and obvious step: I checked the box on the administration console to write to system log, and after I also marked the checkbox write to system console. None of them worked.
I checked the logging.properties and this line is there
Googling I found a few people complaining with abandoned questions. Is there anything else I should do or I have to write a custom log handler to do that ?
自GF 2.1使用本地库"libutilforsyslog.so"以来,与syslog的连接已更改.在我看来,您现在必须在localhost上提供UDP端口514才能通过GlassFish 3接收系统日志消息.
The connection to syslog has changed since GF 2.1 where a native library "libutilforsyslog.so" was used. Seems to me you now have to provide UDP port 514 on localhost to receive syslog messages by GlassFish 3.
com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.SyslogHandler creates an syslog instance like this:
sysLogger = new Syslog("localhost"); //for now only write to this host
... which is an instance of com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.Syslog. This class builds a UDP datagram that gets sent to port 514 (hardcoded).
我在运行GlassFish的Debian主机上有syslog-ng软件包. syslog-ng配置了默认的本地日志src:
I have the syslog-ng package on my Debian host on which I run GlassFish. syslog-ng is configured with a default local log src:
source s_src { unix-dgram("/dev/log"); internal();
file("/proc/kmsg" program_override("kernel"));
In this example you can simply add a listener for UDP port 514:
udp(ip( port(514));