

我们在Linux上有一个使用 syslog 机制的应用程序.在花了一周的时间试图弄清楚为什么该应用程序运行速度比预期的慢后,我们发现,如果消除syslog并直接写入日志文件,性能将大大提高.

We have an application on Linux that used the syslog mechanism. After a week spent trying to figure out why this application was running slower than expected, we discovered that if we eliminated syslog, and just wrote directly to a log file, performance improved dramatically.


I understand why syslog is slower than direct file writes. But I was wondering: Are there ways to configure syslog to optimize its performance?



You can configure syslogd (and rsyslog at least) not to sync the log files after a log message by prepending a "-" to the log file path in the configuration file. This speeds up performance at the expense of the danger that log messages could be lost in a crash.


09-27 06:59