


In my GitLab repository, I have a group with 20 projects. I want to clone all projects at once. Is that possible?



  • 您有一个第21个项目,该项目引用了其他20个为子模块.
    (在这种情况下,克隆后跟一个git submodule update --init就足以克隆并检出所有20个项目)

  • you have a 21st project which references the other 20 as submodules.
    (in which case a clone followed by a git submodule update --init would be enough to get all 20 projects cloned and checked out)

或以某种方式列出您有权访问的项目(用于项目的GitLab API ),并在该结果上循环以克隆每个结果(表示可以编写脚本,然后作为一个"命令执行)

or you somehow list the projects you have access (GitLab API for projects), and loop on that result to clone each one (meaning that can be scripted, and then executed as "one" command)

自2015年以来,杰伊·加贝斯(Jay Gabez)提到(2019年8月)工具 gabrie30/ghorg

Since 2015, Jay Gabez mentions in the comments (August 2019) the tool gabrie30/ghorg


$ ghorg clone someorg
$ ghorg clone someuser --clone-type=user --protocol=ssh --branch=develop
$ ghorg clone gitlab-org --scm=gitlab --namespace=gitlab-org/security-products
$ ghorg clone --help

也(2020年): https://github.com/ezbz/gitlabber

usage: gitlabber [-h] [-t token] [-u url] [--debug] [-p]
                [--print-format {json,yaml,tree}] [-i csv] [-x csv]

Gitlabber - clones or pulls entire groups/projects tree from gitlab


09-04 21:01