

在采用 Kiln 一年左右后,我一直坚持每个 Visual Studio 项目有一个源代码控制项目的惯例.虽然我发现这使提交保持良好和简单,并且源代码控制项目非常专注,但它开始导致大量提交,本质上是一个更改.

After adopting Kiln a year or so back, I've been sticking to the convention of having one source control project per one visual studio project. While I find this keeps the commits nice and simple and the source control project very focused, its starting to lead to a LOT of commits for what's essentially one change.


Example:One of my visual studio solutions is setup like this:

  • App.Core(服务层)
  • App.Core.Tests(测试层)
  • App.Web.Core(控制器)
  • App.Web.UI(视图/js/等)
  • App.Web.Admin(网络管理站点)
  • App.Web.Tests(测试层)
  • App.ChromeExtension

最终我也会添加一个 andriod 和 iphone 视图层(可能是 monotouch/monodriod)

Eventually I'll be adding an andriod and iphone view layer as well (probably monotouch/monodriod)

假设我在服务层端添加了一个需要更新界面的功能,然后我必须通过各种 Web 方法甚至 chrome 扩展来传播该更改.这是非常直接的,但这可能意味着我必须为本质上是单一更改"的内容进行多达 7 次不同的提交.这也意味着当我切换到/从我的笔记本电脑切换时,为其他开发者或我自己带来很多变化.

Say I add a feature on the service layer side that required an update to the interface, I then have to propagate that change through the various web methods and maybe even the chrome extension. That's pretty straight-forward, but it could mean me having to do up to 7 different commits for what's essentially a single "change". It also means pulling a lot of changes for other developers or for myself when I switch to/from my laptop.

处理过大型项目的人能否评论一下这里的最佳"方法是什么?我是否坚持使用多个源代码控制项目,以便每个提交树都非常简洁并处理开销?为了简单起见,我是否将所有内容都放在一个源代码控制项目中?我是否进行混合,将任何与 Web 相关的内容合并到一个项目中,并将任何与服务相关的内容合并到另一个项目中?还是别的什么?

Can someone who's dealt with large projects comment on what the "best" approach is here? Do I stick with the multiple source control projects so each commit tree is super concise and deal with the overhead? Do I stick everything in a single source control project for simplicity? Do I do a hybrid where I merge anything web related into one project, and anything service related into another project? Or something else?

供参考:该项目由 UX 开发人员和我自己维护,但将来很容易发生变化.

For reference: the project is maintained by a UX developer and myself, but that could easily change in future.


(also: I wasn't sure if this was programmers or stackoverflow worthy, and decided to go here instead. If a mod wants to move it I've no objection.)



一旦你有相互依赖的组件(一组文件,这里是解决方案),一个模块的改变必须传播给其他人,您可以考虑使用 系统"方法(即一个存储库,其中包含所有内容):

As soon as you have inter-dependent components (set of files, here solutions), where one change to one module has to propagate to the others, you could consider a "system" approach (i.e. one repository, with everything in it):
That make sense if you consider that you cannot have a tag on just one module without setting that tag on all the others.

如果这些组件可以相互独立开发,您可以通过编写脚本来减少提交的数量,就像在这个脚本中 'git-submodule-recur.sh:'(这里是 Git):

If those components can be developed independently one from another, you could mitigate the number of commits by scripting them, like in this script 'git-submodule-recur.sh:' (here for Git):


case "$1" in
        "init") CMD="submodule update --init" ;;
        *) CMD="$*" ;;

git $CMD
git submodule foreach "$0" $CMD


One command would then commit in every submodules:

git-submodule-recur commit -a -m "some comment"


09-03 03:49