



 公共类largeImageScroller扩展SherlockFragment {

私有静态诠释displayWidth = 0;
私有静态诠释displayHeight = 0;

/ **第一次创建活动时调用。 * /

        // displayWidth和displayHeight会根据屏幕改变
        // 方向。要动态地获得这些,我们应该勾onSizeChanged()。

        displayWidth = display.getWidth();
        displayHeight = display.getHeight();

        // SampleView构造必须最后构造,因为它需要的
        // displayWidth和displayHeight我们刚刚得到。

        私有静态位图bmLargeImage; //位图大到足以被滚动
        私有静态矩形displayRect = NULL; // RECT我们显示给
        私人矩形scrollRect的= NULL; // RECT我们滚动在我们的位图
        私人诠释scrollRectX = 0; //滚动矩形的电流左侧位置
        私人诠释scrollRectY = 0; //滚动矩形的目前最顶级的位置
        私人浮动scrollByX = 0; // X量由滚动
        私人浮动scrollByY = 0; //ÿ量滚动
        私人浮动STARTX = 0; //轨道x在1 ACTION_MOVE到下
        私人浮动startY = 0; //轨道Ÿ从一个ACTION_MOVE下


                displayRect =新的Rect(0,0,displayWidth,displayHeight);

                bmLargeImage = BitmapFactory.de codeResource(getResources()


                                STARTX = event.getRawX();
                                startY = event.getRawY();

                                浮X = event.getRawX();
                                浮动Y = event.getRawY();
                                scrollByX = X  -  STARTX; //移动中会更新X增量
                                scrollByY = Y  -  startY; //此举更新ÿ增量
                                STARTX = X; //重新设置初始值到最新
                                startY = Y;
                                无效(); //强制重绘
                返回true; //这个事件做了消耗它


                从我们要如何移动滚动RECT //。认为这是拖到
                INT newScrollRectX = scrollRectX  - (INT)scrollByX;
                INT newScrollRectY = scrollRectY  - (INT)scrollByY;

                        newScrollRectX = 0;
                否则,如果(newScrollRectX>(bmLargeImage.getWidth() -  displayWidth))
                        newScrollRectX =(bmLargeImage.getWidth() -  displayWidth);

                        newScrollRectY = 0;
                否则,如果(newScrollRectY>(bmLargeImage.getHeight() -  displayHeight))
                        newScrollRectY =(bmLargeImage.getHeight() -  displayHeight);

                        newScrollRectX + displayWidth,newScrollRectY + displayHeight);

                scrollRectX = newScrollRectX;
                scrollRectY = newScrollRectY;


您不叫的setContentView 的片段,其实你需要返回一个查看 onCreateView





Now I've got this fragment which i want to use setContentView with but so far i cant find how. You can see my case in the code below, im not trying to inflate a layout, im trying to use it with the view called SampleView. So how can I do that?Thanks in advance

public class largeImageScroller extends SherlockFragment {

// Physical display width and height.
private static int displayWidth = 0;
private static int displayHeight = 0;

/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup group, Bundle saved) {

        // displayWidth and displayHeight will change depending on screen
        // orientation. To get these dynamically, we should hook onSizeChanged().
        // This simple example uses only landscape mode, so it's ok to get them
        // once on startup and use those values throughout.

        Display display = ((WindowManager)
        displayWidth = display.getWidth();
        displayHeight = display.getHeight();

        // SampleView constructor must be constructed last as it needs the
        // displayWidth and displayHeight we just got.
        setContentView(new SampleView(this));

private static class SampleView extends View {
        private static Bitmap bmLargeImage; //bitmap large enough to be scrolled
        private static Rect displayRect = null; //rect we display to
        private Rect scrollRect = null; //rect we scroll over our bitmap with
        private int scrollRectX = 0; //current left location of scroll rect
        private int scrollRectY = 0; //current top location of scroll rect
        private float scrollByX = 0; //x amount to scroll by
        private float scrollByY = 0; //y amount to scroll by
        private float startX = 0; //track x from one ACTION_MOVE to the next
        private float startY = 0; //track y from one ACTION_MOVE to the next

        public SampleView(Context context) {

                // Destination rect for our main canvas draw. It never changes.
                displayRect = new Rect(0, 0, displayWidth, displayHeight);
                // Scroll rect: this will be used to 'scroll around' over the
                // bitmap in memory. Initialize as above.
                scrollRect = new Rect(0, 0, displayWidth, displayHeight);

                // Load a large bitmap into an offscreen area of memory.
                bmLargeImage = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),

        public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {

                switch (event.getAction()) {
                        case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
                                // Remember our initial down event location.
                                startX = event.getRawX();
                                startY = event.getRawY();

                        case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
                                float x = event.getRawX();
                                float y = event.getRawY();
                                // Calculate move update. This will happen many times
                                // during the course of a single movement gesture.
                                scrollByX = x - startX; //move update x increment
                                scrollByY = y - startY; //move update y increment
                                startX = x; //reset initial values to latest
                                startY = y;
                                invalidate(); //force a redraw
                return true; //done with this event so consume it

        protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

                // Our move updates are calculated in ACTION_MOVE in the opposite direction
                // from how we want to move the scroll rect. Think of this as dragging to
                // the left being the same as sliding the scroll rect to the right.
                int newScrollRectX = scrollRectX - (int)scrollByX;
                int newScrollRectY = scrollRectY - (int)scrollByY;

                // Don't scroll off the left or right edges of the bitmap.
                if (newScrollRectX < 0)
                        newScrollRectX = 0;
                else if (newScrollRectX > (bmLargeImage.getWidth() - displayWidth))
                        newScrollRectX = (bmLargeImage.getWidth() - displayWidth);

                // Don't scroll off the top or bottom edges of the bitmap.
                if (newScrollRectY < 0)
                        newScrollRectY = 0;
                else if (newScrollRectY > (bmLargeImage.getHeight() - displayHeight))
                        newScrollRectY = (bmLargeImage.getHeight() - displayHeight);

                // We have our updated scroll rect coordinates, set them and draw.
                scrollRect.set(newScrollRectX, newScrollRectY,
                        newScrollRectX + displayWidth, newScrollRectY + displayHeight);
                Paint paint = new Paint();
                canvas.drawBitmap(bmLargeImage, scrollRect, displayRect, paint);

                // Reset current scroll coordinates to reflect the latest updates,
                // so we can repeat this update process.
                scrollRectX = newScrollRectX;
                scrollRectY = newScrollRectY;

You dont call setContentView in fragments, in fact you need to return a View from onCreateView.

Try replacing:

setContentView(new SampleView(this));

With this:

return new SampleView(this);



09-07 16:08