The first linked documentation is based on the outdated UI5 version 1.38.x. At that time, the config sap-ui-preload="async" was indeed "the most important setting" since there was no sap-ui-async available back then. With version 1.58.2, the async="true" was introduced which should be used instead of preload="true" as stated in the topic Configuration Options and URL Parameters: […] 设置为 async 时,预加载文件将异步加载.但是,我们建议改为在引导程序中使用 async = true 配置参数,因为它会将更多模块/相关API切换为异步包括预加载文件的加载行为.[…]When set to async, the preload files are loaded asynchronously. However, we recommend to use the async=true configuration parameter in the bootstrap instead, because it switches more module/related APIs to async including the loading behaviour of the preload files. TL; DRdata-sap-ui-async="true" // since 1.58.2 --> Replaces preload="async" *data-sap-ui-preload="async" // for 1.58.1 and below *先决条件: 您的应用程序是否已准备好异步加载?* Prerequisite: Is Your Application Ready for Asynchronous Loading? 这篇关于UI5性能参数:data-sap-ui-preload与data-sap-ui-async的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
07-29 17:58