



它在Windows上运行并非不可能,您可以使用PyGTK。 (...)",


pyGTK on Windows


GUI''s etc: PyGtk on Windows
"(...) So if someone develops mainly for X and just wants to make sure
that it is not impossible to run on Windows, you can use PyGTK. (...)",
July 2nd, 1999

pyGTK on Windows


"(...)即使它是在windows下工作的, pygtk没有一个

windows的外观和感觉。 wxPython可能是你最好的选择(...)"

pygtk vs. wxPython


wxWindows。 2002年5月17日


在Windows上进行线程化。 (...)GTK 2.0应该修复但支持

不可用*尚*。 (...)" 2002年5月17日

PyGTK vs. wxPython




(...)" 4月25日

11."(...)我正在使用wxPython,因为GTK for windows还没准备好



GTK,我可能不会。 4月27日


wxPython。我喜欢这两种API。 wxPython有更多小部件,但PyGTK




(Slackware,Aurox /波兰RH-like发行版/)。我在Linux上使用了wxPython,

但我因为文档很差而停止了(主要是C ++文档,而不是


PyGTK在Windows上运行得如何(98,2K,XP) ?它有多稳定?将



It''s probably doable (...) but not worthy in my oppinion (...). A much
better choice is wxPython (...)"

"(...)even if it is made to work under windows, pygtk would not have a
windows look and feel. wxPython is probably your best bet (...)"

pygtk vs. wxPython
4. "(...) If you want cross-platform capabilities (...) then go
wxWindows." May 17 2002

7. "(...) The pygtk (and gtk port in general) does not yet support
threading on windows. (...) GTK 2.0 is supposed to fix it but support
isn''t available *yet*. (...)" May 17 2002

PyGTK vs. wxPython
7. "(...) wxPython would indeed be a better choice if your applications
are only to run on a certain infamous legacy operating system from the
Pacific Northwest. The PyGTK is a better choice if you are writing for
Linux and want your application to also be able to run on windows.
(...)" Apr 25

11. "(...) I''m using wxPython because GTK for windows wasn''t ready
three years ago when I initially had to write my first Windows
application. If I evaluated both of them again today, I might choose
GTK, and I might not." Apr 27

In the nearest future I will have to decide what to use: PyGTK or
wxPython. I like those both APIs. wxPython has more widgets, but PyGTK
seems to be faster. I can use them both for free (it''s very important).
My only concern is that although I''m doing development on Linux, I''d
like to make my application runnable on Windows as well (Py2Exe). I''d
like to choose PyGTK (because of its rich documentation), but I''m not
sure if PyGTK is stable on Windows... For now I know that wxPython runs
well on Windows.

For now I haven''t experienced any problems with wxPython on Linux
(Slackware, Aurox /Polish RH-like distro/). I used wxPython on Linux,
but I stopped because of its poor documentation (mainly C++ docs, not
Python docs). But recently I noticed this documentation got better
(*much* better!).

How well does PyGTK run on Windows (98, 2K, XP)? How stable is it? Will
I be able to make an executable (using Py2Exe) of an application that
uses PyGTK?







Frank Zappa

Don''t forget that wxPython looks like Mac on a Mac. That''s important
too :)

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don''t we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
Frank Zappa


窗户的外观和感觉。 wxPython可能是你最好的选择(...)

pygtk vs. wxPython
wxWindows。 2002年5月17日

7."(...)pygtk(以及一般的gtk端口)尚不支持在Windows上进行线程处理。 (...)GTK 2.0应该修复它但支持
不可用*尚*。 (...)" 2002年5月17日

PyGTK vs. wxPython
(...)" 4月25日

11."(...)我正在使用wxPython,因为GTK for windows还没有准备好三年前我最初不得不写第一个Windows时
申请。如果我今天再次对它们进行评估,我可能会选择GTK,而我可能不会。 4月27日

wxPython。我喜欢这两种API。 wxPython有更多的小部件,但PyGTK

(Slackware,Aurox /波兰RH-like发行版/)。我在Linux上使用了wxPython,但是由于文档很差(主要是C ++文档,而不是Python文档)我停止了。但最近我发现这个文档变得更好了(* *更好!)。


It''s probably doable (...) but not worthy in my oppinion (...). A much
better choice is wxPython (...)"

"(...)even if it is made to work under windows, pygtk would not have a
windows look and feel. wxPython is probably your best bet (...)"

pygtk vs. wxPython
4. "(...) If you want cross-platform capabilities (...) then go
wxWindows." May 17 2002

7. "(...) The pygtk (and gtk port in general) does not yet support
threading on windows. (...) GTK 2.0 is supposed to fix it but support
isn''t available *yet*. (...)" May 17 2002

PyGTK vs. wxPython
7. "(...) wxPython would indeed be a better choice if your applications
are only to run on a certain infamous legacy operating system from the
Pacific Northwest. The PyGTK is a better choice if you are writing for
Linux and want your application to also be able to run on windows.
(...)" Apr 25

11. "(...) I''m using wxPython because GTK for windows wasn''t ready
three years ago when I initially had to write my first Windows
application. If I evaluated both of them again today, I might choose
GTK, and I might not." Apr 27

In the nearest future I will have to decide what to use: PyGTK or
wxPython. I like those both APIs. wxPython has more widgets, but PyGTK
seems to be faster. I can use them both for free (it''s very important).
My only concern is that although I''m doing development on Linux, I''d
like to make my application runnable on Windows as well (Py2Exe). I''d
like to choose PyGTK (because of its rich documentation), but I''m not
sure if PyGTK is stable on Windows... For now I know that wxPython runs
well on Windows.

For now I haven''t experienced any problems with wxPython on Linux
(Slackware, Aurox /Polish RH-like distro/). I used wxPython on Linux,
but I stopped because of its poor documentation (mainly C++ docs, not
Python docs). But recently I noticed this documentation got better
(*much* better!).

How well does PyGTK run on Windows (98, 2K, XP)? How stable is it? Will
I be able to make an executable (using Py2Exe) of an application that
uses PyGTK?

我通过Wax使用wxPython - Wax使它变得漂亮简单。请注意,



我从来没有用pygtk编程 - *但*我确实玩过Gajim(?)一个用pygtk编写的

eaither - 但它非常优雅。这让我想学习GTK!我会

可能会坚持使用Wax。 Gajim是一个捆绑了py2exe的版本

- definitley的作品。唯一轻微的下降是用户有
来安装GTK +运行时。 (丰富的chociues使得这个




I use wxPython through Wax - Wax makes it nice and easy. Note that
wxPython doesn''t have a completely native look and feel on Windoze, but
it''s pretty good.

I''ve never programmed with pygtk - *but* I did play with Gajim (?) a
Jabber client written with pygtk. The look and feel isn''t native
eaither - but it''s very classy. It made me want to learn GTK ! I''ll
probably stick with Wax though. Gajim ahs a version bundled with py2exe
- which definitley works. The only slight downer is that the user has
to install the GTK+ runtime. (The wealth of chociues makes this
*slightly* confusing for the complete noob).

Best Regards,




Yes. http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/in...=faq21.005.htp

Dave Cook


10-29 03:22