

我的数据框 DF 看起来像:

ID    Name1    Name2    Group
1234  A1       x
1234  A4       w
1234  A3       q
1234  A        A
1234  A2       z
5678  B3       s
5678  B        B

我需要为组添加一列对于与 ID ID Name1 $ c>在 Name1 == Name2 的行中。

I need to add a column for Group that is Name1 for each ID that matches the ID in the row where Name1 == Name2.

所以逻辑是检查Name1 = = Name2,记住该行的ID和Name1值,然后对于具有该ID的每一行,将Name1值放在组列的每一行。

So the logic would be to check if Name1 == Name2, remember the ID of that Row and the Name1 value, then for every row having that ID, put the Name1 Value in each row of the Group column.


ID    Name1    Name2    Group
1234  A1       x        A
1234  A4       w        A
1234  A3       q        A
1234  A        A        A
1234  A2       z        A
5678  B3       s        B
5678  B        B        B


I am not sure how to do this in the dataframe though and from Many rows with different IDs. I dont want to use loops.

mutate() lapply() code>可能?

mutate() or lapply() maybe?

我可以看到如何在Name列中为Name1添加Name1值,名称1 = Name2,但是如何滚动备份所有匹配的ID?

I can see how to add the Name1 value in the Group column for the rows where Name1==Name2, but how do I roll that back up for all matching IDs?



DT[, Group := Name1[Name1 == Name2], by=ID]


Full details:


DT <- as.data.table(DF)

DT[, Group := Name1[Name1 == Name2], by=ID]

     ID Name1 Name2 Group
1: 1234    A1     x     A
2: 1234    A4     w     A
3: 1234    A3     q     A
4: 1234     A     A     A
5: 1234    A2     z     A
6: 5678    B3     s     B
7: 5678     B     B     B
8: 1589     C     x    NA
9: 1589     C     y    NA

## if `Name1`, `Name2`  are NOT characters, use
DT[, Name1 := as.character(Name1)]
DT[, Name2 := as.character(Name2)]


09-11 22:18