


I favor keyboard shortcuts over mouse actions so I'm heavily using keyboard shortcuts with all kinds of applications. Every now and then I'm running into a situation where I assign a keyboard shortcut that has already been used in a different app. Not all apps show warnings when you re-use a combination that has already been used.Also, since I tend to forget some of the lesser used combinations, it would be nice to find out what has been assigned where.System Preferences doesn't list all of them, but since my Mac responds to them, there must be some way to get a global list of all assigned keyboard shortcuts.Does anyone know of a command/script/application that displays them all?


可能无法实现所需的功能.考虑可用于实现特定于应用程序的系统级快捷方式的方法:事件点击 .应用程序可以对事件执行任何操作,而不会在系统中实际注册该事件.因此,无法编写任何应用程序来标识每个可能的事件!

What you want may not be possible. Consider the method by which a application specific system-wide shortcuts may be implemented: event taps. An application can do whatever it wants with an event and never actually register the event with the system. Thus, no application could be written to identify every possible event!



It even updates its list when shortcuts are changed.


You can download a list of additional system-wide shortcuts from their site that includes keys not listed anywhere else. But it doesn't show shortcuts for continuously active applications such as Evernote.

http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/02 /24/hotkeys_framework2/


(but it still won't know about event taps)



09-01 16:07