我们有大量的出版物,目前我们在多个环境(主要是 UAT 和 PROD)中手动应用 CMS 权限.这很乏味,而且经常容易出错.
We have large number of publications and currently we manually apply the CMS permissions across multiple environments (UAT and PROD mainly). This is tedious and often times error prone.
我们正在尝试在多个环境中导出和导入 CMS 权限,因此可以手动完成一次并使用某种工具移植到其他环境.
We are trying to export and import the CMS permissions across multiple environments, so this could be done once manually and ported to other environments using some sort of tool.
环境:Tridion 2011 SP1 + IIS 7.5 + SQL Server 2008 r2
Environment: Tridion 2011 SP1 + IIS 7.5 + SQL Server 2008 r2
在旧的 PowerTools (VBScript) 中,曾经有一些工具来管理访问管理,这可能很方便,但仍然容易出错.由于显而易见的原因,我们对使用 OLD powertools 不感兴趣,而且它是重复操作功能,因此也排除了 DB 选项.
In Old PowerTools (VBScript) there used to be some tool to manage Access management which could be handy, still error prone. We are not interested to use the OLD powertools for obvious reasons and it is recurring operation function so DB option is ruled out as well.
我们正在考虑使用 Core Service 构建一个工具,可以导出和导入权限.我们在这些环境中拥有相同的组、出版物和文件夹结构.
We are considering to build a tool using Core Service, that could export and Import the permissions. We have the same Groups, Publications and Folder structure across these environments.
有没有人试过这个?其他 Tridiooneers 在大型实施中使用了哪些经验或做法?
Has anyone tried this before? What are the experiences or practices that other fellow Tridioneers used in large implementations.?
我曾经编写过一个工具,允许您将所需的权限设置描述为 JSON,并通过 API 应用它们.老实说,如果您要编写 DTAP 安全工具,我会采用类似的方法.首先能够以开放的、基于文本的格式表达您想要的设置,然后编写一个导入它们的工具.一旦你有了这个,你就可以轻松地构建一个导出它们的工具.
I once wrote a tool that allowed you to describe your desired permissions settings as JSON, and apply them via the API. To be honest, if you were to write a DTAP-security tool, I'd follow a similar approach. Start by being able to express your desired settings in an open, text-based format, then write a tool that imports them. Once you have this, you can easily build a tool that exports them.