


I have a script which is used to redeploy a couple programs in a custom server environment, (ie: not an established standard container which has code hotswapping). To do this, it takes down the server processes, but these take some time to fully close all their connections. These aren't child processes of the perlscript. They run for hundreds of days at a time normally, so I'd rather not have to wrap the server processes in perlscripts just so I can fork them to shut them down elegantly months or years later.

因此,当前正在等待他们在重新部署期间死亡,我正在解析ps -ef的输出,获取pid字段,杀死该pid,等待60秒(这对于这些进程而言似乎是一个合理的时间),然后重新检查ps -ef以确保它们已死,等等.继续复制,chmod等.

So currently to wait on them to die during redeployment, I'm parsing the output of ps -ef, grabbing the pid field, killing that pid, waiting 60 seconds, (which seems a reasonable time with these processes), rechecking the ps -ef to make sure they're dead, etc. Go on with copies, chmods, etc.


This solution feels lame/clunky to me. I've google'd all over and have not seen anything on this particular topic; there's a pile of material about waiting on forked children, and waitpid would be perfect if only it operated in this way.


From reading How to wait for exit of non-children processes (which is c specific)I'm guessing there's really not much else I can do, apart from reading /proc/pid instead, but I thought maybe there'd be a perl-specific solution out there somewhere. Any ideas?


您可以使用kill 0, $pid(成功返回1,失败返回0)而不是重新检查ps -ef,但这可能会导致pid已被重复使用.

You can use kill 0, $pid (returns 1 on success and 0 on failure) instead of rechecking ps -ef, but that has the possible gotcha that the pid may have been reused.

如果您已经有ps解析代码,可能不值得切换,但是有 Proc :: ProcessTable .

If you already have ps-parsing code, it's probably not worth it to switch, but there's Proc::ProcessTable.


Other than that, no ideas.


08-20 09:06