


I'm pretty new to async programming. I want to kick off a series of tasks (which make http requests) before awaiting any of them.

List<Guid> identifiers;

//Set identifiers to what they should be

var task = Task.WhenAll(identifiers.Select(id => _serviceConnector.GetAsync(id)));

// Call and await another request

await task;


My question is: Will my http requests be kicked off with the createion of the task through Task.WhenAll? Or will they not be started until the await further down? Thanks!


当您将 IEnumerable< Task> 传递给 Task.WhenAll 时,它将枚举任务序列并将它们全部列出以进行进一步处理:

When you pass IEnumerable<Task> to Task.WhenAll it enumerates the sequence of tasks and puts them all to list for further processing:

if (tasks == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("tasks");
List<Task<TResult>> taskList = new List<Task<TResult>>();
foreach (Task<TResult> task in tasks)
    if (task == null) throw new ArgumentException("tasks");


that means if you pass a LINQ query, it will be executed:

identifiers.Select(id => _serviceConnector.GetAsync(id))

但这并不意味着 Task.WhenAll 启动这些任务.例如.如果查询将返回尚未启动的任务,则这些任务将保持未运行状态.例如.以下查询将创建任务,但不会启动它们,因此 WhenAll 将停留在等待这些任务的过程中

but it does not mean that Task.WhenAll starts those tasks. E.g. if your query will return tasks which have not been started, then those tasks will stay in non-running state. E.g. following query will create tasks but will not start them, thus WhenAll will stuck waiting for these tasks

var tasks = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(i => new Task<int>(() => i));
var task = Task.WhenAll(tasks);

在您的情况下,一切都取决于 GetAsync(id)方法.如果它创建并启动任务(如 HttpClient 一样),则将创建所有任务并在 Task.WhenAll 调用的开始处启动.

In your case everything depends on GetAsync(id) method. If it creates and starts a task (like HttpClient does) then all tasks would be created and started at the beginning of Task.WhenAll call.

TL; DR Task.WhenAll 方法.如上所述,它捕获所有给定任务(对于IEnumerable参数,它将所有任务放入列表中)并创建类型为"> WhenAllPromise< T>

private sealed class WhenAllPromise<T> : Task<T[]>, ITaskCompletionAction

如您所见,此任务实现了 ITaskCompletionAction .这是一个内部接口,用于向任务添加完成操作-连续任务的轻量级版本(因为这是一个简单的操作).此接口定义单个方法 Invoke(Task),当任务完成执行时应调用该方法. Task 有一个内部方法,可以添加以下轻量级的延续:

As you can see this task implements ITaskCompletionAction. This is an internal interface, which is used to add completion action to tasks - the lightweight version of continuation tasks (because it's a simple action). This interface defines single method Invoke(Task) which should be invoked when task completes execution. Task has an internal method which allows adding these lightweight continuations:

internal void AddCompletionAction(ITaskCompletionAction action)

现在返回到 WhenAllPromise< T> 类.它有两个字段:

Now back to WhenAllPromise<T> class. It has two fields:

private readonly Task<T>[] m_tasks;
private int m_count;


During initialization this class stores all given tasks in field array, initializes counter, and either invokes continuation for already completed tasks or adds itself to task completion actions:

m_tasks = tasks;
m_count = tasks.Length;

foreach (var task in tasks)
    if (task.IsCompleted) this.Invoke(task); // short-circuit
    else task.AddCompletionAction(this); // simple completion action

就是这样.任务不是由 WhenAllPromise 类启动的.它仅使用在任务完成时调用的回调操作.在回调操作中,每次完成某些任务后,它都会减少m_count,直到所有任务都完成并且我们可以抓取结果为止.

That's it. Tasks are not started by WhenAllPromise class. It only uses callback action which is invoked when tasks are completed. In callback action it decreases m_count each time some of tasks is completed, until all tasks are done and we can grab results.


08-04 08:26