我对RESTFul Web服务有要求.由我的团队决定是否选择Jersey或Restlet或RESTEasy或其他.省略其他框架后,我们将无法在RESTEasy和Jersey之间进行选择.
I have a requirement for RESTFul webservices. It is up to my team to decide whether to go with Jersey or Restlet or RESTEasy or anything else. after omitting other frameworks, we are not able to choose between RESTEasy and Jersey.
Since both of them seem to be almost the same, what should we consider?
客户端API应该简单而丰富.我们已经在生产中使用JBoss 5.1.
The client API should be simple and rich. We are already using JBoss 5.1 in production.
Please let me know the pros and cons of Jersey and RESTEasy. Except that it is from JBoss, I'm not able to find any valid point over Jersey.
One nice value-add feature of Jersey is the Jersey Test Framework which lets you run and test your Jersey REST services inside JUnit, without the need to first deploy them to a stand-alone server and even before you commit your code to your repo.
These tests are easy to write, you can run them before you even check in your Jersey web service code to make sure your service is working, and they become part of your automated test suite which helps enforce the contract your services have with your clients.
请参见此文章如果您使用的是Jersety 1.X或此版本(适用于2.x版).
See this article for more information if you're using Jersety 1.X or this one for 2.x.
另一个不错的功能是支持REST MVC模式,这将使您可以从Jersey服务中返回视图,而不仅仅是数据(模型).在这方面,与Jersey测试框架的兼容性仍日趋成熟,但可行.
Another nice feature is support for the REST MVC pattern, which would allow you to return a View from your Jersey services rather than just data (the Model). Compatibility with the Jersey Test Framework is still maturing in this regard, but it is workable.
See this article for more information on that:
http://usna86- techbits.blogspot.com/2013/12/jersey-jerseytest-migration-from-1x-to.html