


I am investigating the possibility of image processing to identify certain objects and also count them in an image.


I will be given a picture and I need to identify the number of boxes present in that image.

是否有人对任何机器视觉/图像处理库(如 ImageJ、Fiji、JAI、jMagick、Java Vision Toolkit)有任何经验?你认为哪个最适合这份工作?你们有什么建议?如果 API 可以从 Java 中使用,那就更好了.谢谢.

Does anybody have any experience with any Machine Vision/ Image Processing libraries like ImageJ, Fiji, JAI, jMagick ,Java Vision Toolkit? Which do you think is best suited for the job? What do you guys suggest? If the APIs can be used from Java, it would be better. Thank you.


I am dealing with warehouse brown boxes. Yes I am talking about regular photos. The source is usually a mobile phone picture.

很抱歉,答案被自动选择了.: (

I am sorry the answer got autoselected. : (



If you must stick to Java, you can still use OpenCV.

  1. 如果只是盒子,您可以使用 霍夫变换 来检测它们.李>
  2. 您可以使用 OpenSURF 根据您提供的源图像检测手机给它.
  3. 不要认为这在您的情况下是可行的:HAAR Cascades.您可以创建自定义 HAAR 分类器,但训练过程可能非常耗时.
  1. If it's just boxes you can use Hough Transforms to detect them.
  2. You can use OpenSURF to detect phones based on source images you feed to it.
  3. Don't think this would be feasible in your case: HAAR Cascades. You could create a custom HAAR clasifier, but the training process can be quite time consuming.



07-22 10:05