

$(我应该在win xp上交付项目,所以我无法使用.NET4.5配置) b $ b


  public abstract class BaseEntity 
public int Id {get; set;}
public int X {get; set;}
public int Y {get; set;}
public class Calendar:BaseEntity
// property


  modelBuilder.Entity< Calendar>()
.Ignore(t => tX)
.Ignore(t => tY)

请注意,我不能使用 [NotMapped] 属性,因为我使用EF6使用.NET 4。


使用 EntityTypeConfiguration code> modelBuilder.Entity<> :

 抽象类BaseEntityMapping:EntityTypeConfiguration< BaseEntity> ; 
public BaseEntityMapping()
this.Ignore(t => t.X);
this.Ignore(t => t.Y);

class CalendarMapping:BaseEntityMapping
public CalendarMapping()

而在 OnModelCreating

  modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new CalendarMapping()); 

I'm using EF6 code first with .NET4(I should deliver the project on win xp so I couldn't configure it with .NET4.5) in a win Form project.

I have a BaseEntity class that all other entities inherited from it:

public abstract class BaseEntity
    public int Id {get; set;}
    public int X {get; set;} 
    public int Y {get; set;} 
public class Calendar:BaseEntity
    // properties    

How could I Ignore X,Y properties in my all entities without writing following code for each entity?

            .Ignore(t => t.X)
            .Ignore(t => t.Y)

Note that I couldn't use [NotMapped] attribute because I'm using EF6 with .NET 4.


Use EntityTypeConfigurations in stead of modelBuilder.Entity<>:

abstract class BaseEntityMapping : EntityTypeConfiguration<BaseEntity>
    public BaseEntityMapping()
        this.Ignore(t => t.X);
        this.Ignore(t => t.Y);

class CalendarMapping : BaseEntityMapping
    public CalendarMapping()
        // Specific mappings

And in OnModelCreating:

modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new CalendarMapping());


10-29 04:48