

在一个新的安装Ubuntu 11.10,附带了单2.10,我发现自己在一个有点咸菜:我不能运行ASP.Net 4.0的项目,即使我已经安装了XSP4。这是几乎一样,如果它希望在那里只能是一种xsp2 ...

After a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.10, which comes with Mono 2.10, I've found myself in a bit of a pickle: I can't run ASP.Net 4.0 projects, even though I have XSP4 installed. It's almost as if it expects there to only be an xsp2...


Could not launch web server. The "xsp2" web server cannot be started. Please ensure that it is installed.


MonoDevelop.Core.UserException: The "xsp2" web server cannot be started. Please ensure that it is installed.
  at MonoDevelop.AspNet.AspNetExecutionHandler.GetXspPath (MonoDevelop.AspNet.AspNetExecutionCommand cmd) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at MonoDevelop.AspNet.AspNetExecutionHandler.Execute (MonoDevelop.Core.Execution.ExecutionCommand command, IConsole console) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at MonoDevelop.Core.Execution.DefaultExecutionHandler.Execute (MonoDevelop.Core.Execution.ExecutionCommand command, IConsole console) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at MonoDevelop.AspNet.AspNetAppProject.DoExecute (IProgressMonitor monitor, MonoDevelop.Projects.ExecutionContext context, MonoDevelop.Projects.ConfigurationSelector config) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


Any idea what the problem for this could be? Is XSP4 only compatible with MonoDevelop 2.8?


假设你正在使用MonoDevelop的,转到项目菜单中选择应用程序选项不解决option.In出现的对话框中,在建中选择常规,然后在右窗格中变运行时版本,以单声道/ .NET 4.0

Assuming you are using monodevelop, Go to Project menu select your "application option" not solution option.In the dialog box that appears, under "Build" select "General", then on the right pane change "Runtime Version" to Mono/.Net 4.0

VB.NET插件似乎不支持.NET 4.0(see这个计算器的问题),但我发现,刚创建符号链接(xsp2-> xsp4),都足以在单xsp4运行单声道/ .NET 3.5

VB.NET addin seems no to support .NET 4.0 (see this stackoverflow question) but I found that just creating a symbolic link (xsp2->xsp4) was enough to run Mono/.Net 3.5 on mono-xsp4


06-18 00:40