本文介绍了什么是真正的 Quickbooks Online API?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已经研究了一段时间,但我真的找不到正确的解决方案.我发现这个 PHP API 应该可以帮助解决所有这些问题,但它不起作用 - 或者不清楚如何正确设置它.

I've been researching this for a while, and I really can't find the right solution. I found this PHP API that is supposed to help solve all these issues, but it doesn't work - or it's not clear how to set it up correctly.

这是我尝试使用的 PHP api

This is the PHP api I've tried to use


我能够让 OAUTH 连接到 ipp 开发人员站点,这很好.但我无法获得任何数据.

I was able to get OAUTH to connect on the ipp developer site, so that's nice. But I can't get any data.

我只是想通过我们的快速手册 - 在线商店集成,为我的公司自动化一些流程.

I'm just trying to automate some processes for my company with our quickbooks - online store integration.

基本上我只是不明白该怎么做才能从在线快速手册中获取 PO 列表.有人可以对此有所了解吗?

Basically I just don't understand what to do to get say a list of POs from quickbooks online. Could anyone shed some light on this?



该代码运行良好 - 您只是做错了什么.(我知道——我是那个代码的开发者,我一个人每天都在用它做你想做的事情'重新找做).

That code works just fine - you're just doing something wrong. (I know - I'm the developer of that code, and I work with it every single day doing exactly the sort of thing you're looking to do).


With that said, since you didn't post any code or any error messages, no one is going to be able to help you.





Why not? What specific error are you getting? What does your code look like? What type of data are you trying to get?

我只是想通过我们的快速手册 - 在线商店集成,为我的公司自动化一些流程.

如果您正在为您的公司构建一次性/自定义集成,那么您就走上了错误的道路.Intuit Anywhere(OAuth 内容)仅适用于 SaaS 应用程序(请参阅此处的常见问题解答:https:///ipp.developer.intuit.com/0010_Intuit_Partner_Platform/0025_Intuit_Anywhere/0080_FAQ,特别是这个:我想将我的自定义(非 SaaS、单租户)解决方案与 Intuit Anywhere 集成.我可以这样做吗?").

If all you're building is a one-off/custom integration for your company, then you've started down the wrong path. Intuit Anywhere (the OAuth stuff) is for SaaS applications only (see the FAQs here: https://ipp.developer.intuit.com/0010_Intuit_Partner_Platform/0025_Intuit_Anywhere/0080_FAQ, specifically this one: "I want to integrate my custom (non-SaaS, single-tenant) solution with Intuit Anywhere. Can I do this?").

相反,您应该使用 qbXML.下载稳定版:QuickBooks PHP DevKit

Instead, you should be using qbXML. Download the STABLE release: QuickBooks PHP DevKit

然后查看 docs/example_online_edition.php

And look at docs/example_online_edition.php

Intuit 的其余文档qbXML(不是 Intuit Anywhere)在这里:http://developer.intuit.com/qbsdk-current/common/newosr/index.html

The rest of Intuit's documentation for qbXML (not Intuit Anywhere) is here:http://developer.intuit.com/qbsdk-current/common/newosr/index.html

基本上我只是不明白该怎么做才能从在线快速手册中获取 PO 列表.

不幸的是,您会发现 QuickBooks Online 可用的两个 API 中的任何一个都不支持获取采购订单.

Unfortunately, you'll find that fetching Purchase Orders is not supported by EITHER of the two APIs available for QuickBooks Online.

Intuit 提供的所有 QuickBooks Online API 一直不完整.都不支持采购订单.如果您确实需要采购订单支持,请改用 QuickBooks for Windows.

All of the QuickBooks Online APIs that Intuit provides have always been incomplete. Neither supports Purchase Orders. If you really need Purchase Order support, switch to QuickBooks for Windows instead.


这篇关于什么是真正的 Quickbooks Online API?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

06-18 00:22