使用的约曼是发电机角fullstack 我的项目。该SCSS支持是优秀的但是我所有的 -moz prefixes正在从CSS结果进行过滤。
Using Yeoman with generator-angular-fullstack for my project. The SCSS support is excellent however all my -moz prefixes are being filtered from the css result.
I've looked at the compass docs regrading Vendor Prefixes. The doc suggested to override the defaults vars:
$experimental-support-for-mozilla : true !default;
$experimental-support-for-webkit : true !default;
$support-for-original-webkit-gradients : true !default;
$experimental-support-for-opera : true !default;
$experimental-support-for-microsoft : true !default;
$experimental-support-for-khtml : true !default;
和我想这code添加到我的main.scss没有运气... MOZ prefixes仍然被删除。
And I tried to add this code to my main.scss with no luck ... moz prefixes are still being removed.I looked for another config file with no luck.
If you are using grunt-autoprefixer the grunt task adds the vendor prefixes for you, so you don't need to write a vendor prefix at all. I guess it removes also unecessary prefixes. May be you should remove autoprefixer from the task list (if the prefixes are still there you know it exactly) or you reconfiger the autoprefixer: http://github.com/ai/autoprefixer#browsers