


If I give a start date and end date, and a frequency I should be able to generate a sequence of dates from start to end such that


替换 as.yearmon(st)

Similarly if st is a date and the starting date of the sequence should be no later than st use the same idea to subtract 1/12 if st is not at the end of the month replacing as.yearmon(st) with

as.yearmon(st) - (as.Date(st) < as.Date(as.yearmon(st), frac = 1)) / 12

我们是否真的需要日期,这是一个疑问,因为它们总是在月底.似乎关键是要创建一个年/月序列,而月末日期只是表示该序列的一种方式.一种更简单的方法是直接将此 yearmon 序列.

There is some question regarding whether we really need dates at all since they are always at the end of the month. It seems that the point is to create a year/month sequence and the end-of-month dates are just a way to represent that. A simpler way would be this yearmon sequence directly.

seq(as.yearmon(st), as.yearmon(en), by = 1 / freq)


08-27 16:53