

我写了一个类和许多单元测试,但我没有使它线程安全.现在,我想让类线程安全,但为了证明它并使用 TDD,我想在开始重构之前编写一些失败的单元测试.

I've written a class and many unit test, but I did not make it thread safe. Now, I want to make the class thread safe, but to prove it and use TDD, I want to write some failing unit tests before I start refactoring.



My first thought is just create a couple threads and make them all use the class in an unsafe way. Do this enough times with enough threads and I'm bound to see it break.



There are two products that can help you there:

两者都检查代码中的死锁(通过单元测试),我认为 Chess 也会检查竞争条件.

Both check for deadlocks in your code (via unit test) and I think Chess checks for race conditions as well.

使用这两种工具很容易 - 您编写一个简单的单元测试并多次运行您的代码并检查您的代码中是否可能出现死锁/竞争条件.

Using both tools is easy - you write a simple unit test and the run your code several times and check if deadlocks/race conditions is possible in your code.

Google 发布了一个工具,可以在运行时(而不是在测试期间)检查竞争条件,该工具称为 线程竞争测试.

Google has released a tool that checks for race condition in runtime (not during tests) that called thread-race-test.
it won't find all of the race conditions because it only analyse the current run and not all of the possible scenarios like the tool above but it might help you find the race condition once it happens.

更新:Typemock 站点不再有 Racer 的链接,并且在过去 4 年中没有更新.我猜这个项目已经关闭了.

Update:Typemock site no longer had a link to Racer, and it was not been updated in the last 4 years. I guess the project was closed.


09-01 17:15