There are similar questions to this one, but not quite the same...
我有一个使用amqmdnet.dll的C#程序(来自9.0.1.0 MQC Redist)要连接的代码是:
I have a C# program that is using amqmdnet.dll (from MQC Redist)The code to connect is:
Hashtable mqProperties = new Hashtable();
mqProperties.Add(MQC.CHANNEL_PROPERTY, channelName);
mqProperties.Add(MQC.HOST_NAME_PROPERTY, hostname);
mqProperties.Add(MQC.PORT_PROPERTY, port);
queueManager = new MQQueueManager(strQueueManagerName, mqProperties);
It works fine and writes to the queue. I assume it picks up my current login id from Windows.
When I run the same code on IIS, it connects but fails with an auth error 2035 when trying to write to the Queue.I assume this is because IIS is running as a different user-id.
mqProperties.Add(MQC.USER_ID_PROPERTY, "myuserid");
mqProperties.Add(MQC.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, "mypassword");
,但它不起作用.尝试"mydomain \ myuserid"也不起作用.其他一些文章提到MQ需要Windows SID.我尝试使用该字符串,但这也不起作用.
and it did not work. Trying "mydomain\myuserid" did not work either. Some other posts mentioned that MQ needs the Windows SID. I tried using that string, but that did not work either.
At this point, I am playing with this, so I'd prefer not to ask the admins to set up a new userid on the MQ server side. With this in mind, is there any way I can login when running under the IIS user, but pass in my userid/password or some other credential to make this work?
If the queue manager is v8.0 or later and is configured to use CONNAUTH and has ADOPTCTX(YES) set you can present an id and password. If it does not have this set then the value presented in the UserId and Password property of a .NET client will be ignored.
IBM developerWorks MQdev博客文章" MQCSP密码MQ V8中的保护详细介绍了如何使用多种语言来执行此操作."
A IBM developerWorks MQdev blog post "MQCSP Password Protection in MQ V8 has details on how to do this in various languages."
For .NET you should be able to use what you have with the addition of the MQC.USE_MQCSP_AUTHENTICATION_PROPERTY
set to true
mqProperties.Add(MQC.USER_ID_PROPERTY, "myuserid");
mqProperties.Add(MQC.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, "mypassword");
The queue manager will then authenticate this ID. If the queue manager is set with ADOPTCTX(YES) then it will always use the authenticated ID for OAM checks. If it is set to ADOPTCTX(NO) it will still use the ID the process is running under to perform OAM checks. It is highly recommended that this be set to ADOPTCTX(YES).
更新2017/02/20 :
Related to the comment "I can see that it might be turned off by admins so that MQ relies on the larger organizational SSO infrastructure.". Without setting up CONNAUTH and ADOPTCTX(YES) you can assert any id you want to over the channel. If a CHLAUTH rule is not in place to block administrative users then you can obtain full MQ administrative authority without any form of authentication.