本文介绍了无法在IntelliJ IDEA(带Maven构建的Android)中显示javadocs的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已经将一个Android项目(带有Maven构建版本)导入到IntelliJ IDEA中,当我将鼠标悬停在编辑器中的文本上时,javadocs没有显示出来。要明确的是,问题不在于我的内联文档设置,它可以很好地提取文档工具提示。但是除了方法签名和包之外,工具提示窗口大多是空的。

I have imported an Android project (with a Maven build) into IntelliJ IDEA and the javadocs aren't showing up when I hover my mouse over the text in the editor. To be clear, it isn't my inline documentation settings that is the problem, it pulls up the 'Documentation' tooltip just fine. But the tooltip window is mostly empty except for the method signature and package.


Below are screenshots of what happens when I hover my mouse over the text, and my Project Structure:

FTR我的文档项目结构中的文档路径在开始时是完全空的,除了指向一个不包含.jar文件的/ reference文件夹(并且也没有工作),目前我的尝试是.jar文件导入javadocs(也失败了)。

FTR my Documentation Paths in the Project Structure were totally empty at the start except for pointing to a /reference folder that contains no .jar files (and did not work either), the .jar files currently there were my attempt at importing the javadocs (which also failed).


  1. 哪个我需要导入javadoc文件才能获得

  2. 我是否需要为Android支持库等所有

  3. 是否需要一直手动导入这些javadoc或者它们会自动显示

编辑:我已经拥有我的SDK管理器中也下载了API 23的文档。

I already have the documentation for API 23 downloaded in my SDK manager as well.


Also, it seems my Maven libraries have errors in the Javadocs linked. Below is an example. Does that mean I also have to re-link my Maven libraries to the correct Javadocs?


打开SDK Manager并下载所需特定SDK的文档。回答你的问题:

Open up your SDK Manager and download the documentation for the specific SDKs that you need. To answer your questions:

  1. 下载最新SDK(aleast)的文档:

  1. Download the documentation for the latest SDK (aleast):


Yes, you need to import documentation for every library you add, but the least you should have is the documentation for your latest SDK. Most recent documentation usually has the documentation for earlier APIs included and also describes any recommended changes, deprecations, etc.


It is absolutely normal to download the javadoc normally. There is no error in your build process or imports

这篇关于无法在IntelliJ IDEA(带Maven构建的Android)中显示javadocs的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 05:43