

短而甜:如何从R导出TSV / CSV?

Short and sweet: how can I export TSV/CSV from R?

write.table / write.csv 几乎有效:

test <- data.frame(a = 2 : 4, b = 3 : 5)
write.table(test, file='test.tsv', quote=FALSE, sep='\t')

$ more test.tsv
a   b
1   2   3
2   3   4
3   4   5


… but produces a format that is different from what’s expected by most other programs:

    a   b
1   2   3
2   3   4
3   4   5

- 注意不同的处理

– note the different handling of the header row.

如何导出第二个而不是第一个格式?手动指定 col.names c('',colnames(test))关于无效的参数。

How can I export the second rather than the first format? Manually specifying the col.names as c('', colnames(test)) doesn’t work – R complains about an invalid argument.


您可以使用 col.names = NA

write.table(test, file='test.tsv', quote=FALSE, sep='\t', col.names = NA)


10-20 10:54