本文介绍了基于 PySide 的应用程序的单元和功能测试?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在构建一个基于 PySide 1.1.0 的应用程序,并且一直在寻找好的示例来查看我的应用程序的单元和功能测试.我希望能够对 UI 进行功能测试(模拟点击、按键等),对改变 UI 布局的 UI 插槽进行单元测试(大概使用部分模拟的发送器和接收器),以及单元测试涉及小部件但不需要渲染任何窗口的代码.

I'm building a PySide 1.1.0-based application, and have been looking for good examples to look at for unit and functional testing my application. I want to be able to do functional testing of the UI (simulating clicks, key presses, etc), unit testing of UI slots that alter the layout of the UI (presumably using a partially-mocked sender and receiver), as well as unit testing of code that involves widgets, but without requiring any windows to be rendered.

举个例子,当一个项目被添加到一个模型(QAbstractItemModel 派生的对象)时,我会在菜单栏中动态创建一个菜单的子菜单,该模型为 QTreeView 提供数据.模型和子菜单必须保持同步,所以我希望能够编写一个单元测试,将数据提交给管理模型和子菜单的控制器,并断言模型和子菜单都已正确更新.

As one example, I dynamically create submenus of one menu in the menubar when an item is added to a model (QAbstractItemModel-derived object) that provides data to a QTreeView. The model and submenu must stay in sync, so I want to be able to write a unit test that submits data to the controller that manages the model and submenu, and asserts that both the model and submenu were properly updated.

如果可以避免的话,我宁愿不必在我的测试代码中设置 QApplication.当我只关心验证小部件中的数据结构而不是它们的可视化时,我也不想显示任何窗口.

I would prefer to NOT have to set up a QApplication in my test code if I can avoid it. I also would like to not have to display any windows when I only care about validating data structures in widgets, not their visualization.

我在 http://www.pyside.org 或我的谷歌搜索.有没有人有任何经验或知道我应该查看的好的示例代码?

I can't find anything of suitable value at http://www.pyside.org or in my Google searches. Does anyone have any experience or know of good sample code that I should look at?


我现在一直在玩单元测试 pyside 代码,得出的结论是将 python 的 unittest 模块与qt 的 QTest 模块运行良好.

I've been playing around a bit now with unit-testing pyside code and came to the conclusion that combining python's unittest module with qt's QTest module works pretty good.

您必须实例化一个 QApplication 对象,但您不需要运行其 exec_ 方法,因为您不需要运行事件循环.

You will have to have a QApplication object instantiated, but you do not need to run its exec_ method, because you don't need the event loop to be running.

以下是我如何测试对话框中的 QCheckBox 是否执行它应该做的事情的示例:

Here is an example on how I test if a QCheckBox in a dialog does what it is supposed to do:

class Test_PwsAddEntryDialog(TestCase):
    """Tests the class PwsAddEntryDialog."""

    def test_password_strength_checking_works(self):
        """Tests if password strength checking works, if the corresponding check
        box is checked.
        d = PwsAddEntryDialog()
        # test default of internal flag
        # type something
        QTest.keyClicks(d.editSecret, "weak", 0, 10)
        # make sure that entered text is not treated as a password
        self.assertEqual(d.labelPasswordStrength.text(), "")
        # click 'is password' checkbox
        QTest.mouseClick(d.checkIsPassword, Qt.LeftButton)
        # test internal flag changed
        # test that label now contains a warning
        self.assertTrue(d.labelPasswordStrength.text().find("too short") > 0)
        # click checkbox again
        QTest.mouseClick(d.checkIsPassword, Qt.LeftButton)
        # check that internal flag once again changed
        # make sure warning disappeared again
        self.assertEqual(d.labelPasswordStrength.text(), "")

这完全可以在屏幕外运行,包括点击小部件并在 QLineEdit 中输入文本.

This completely works off-screen, involves clicking widgets and typing text in a QLineEdit.

这是我测试(相当简单的)QAbstractListModel 的方法:

Here is how I test a (rather simple) QAbstractListModel:

class Test_SectionListModel(TestCase):
    """Tests the class SectionListModel."""

    def test_model_works_as_expected(self):
        """Tests if the expected rows are generated from a sample pws file
        model = SectionListModel(SAMPLE_PASSWORDS_DICT)
        l = len(SAMPLE_PASSWORDS_DICT)
        self.assertEqual(model.rowCount(None), l)
        i = 0
        for section in SAMPLE_PASSWORDS_DICT.iterkeys():
            self.assertEqual(model.data(model.index(i)), section)
            i += 1


这篇关于基于 PySide 的应用程序的单元和功能测试?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 18:15