本文介绍了请为 Windows Mobile 5.0 及更高版本安装“NETCFv35.Messages.EN.wm.cab"或为其他平台安装“NETCFv35.Messages.EN.cab".重新启动一个的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


针对此异常有一条错误消息可用,但无法显示,因为这些消息是可选的,并且当前未安装在此设备上.请为 Windows Mobile 5.0 及更高版本安装NETCFv35.Messages.EN.wm.cab"或为其他平台安装NETCFv35.Messages.EN.cab".重新启动应用程序以查看消息.嘿,任何人都知道解决方案......

An error message is available for this exception but cannot be displayed because these messages are optional and are not currently installed on this device. Please install ‘NETCFv35.Messages.EN.wm.cab’ for Windows Mobile 5.0 and above or ‘NETCFv35.Messages.EN.cab’ for other platforms. Restart the application to see the message.Hey any one know about solution for this......


2 个简单步骤:

1) 只需复制文件:



from your computer to your device.

可以在您自己的 32 位 Windows 系统上找到 CAB:

The CAB can be found on your own 32-bit Windows system here:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\CompactFramework\v3.5\WindowsCE\Diagnostics

在 64 位系统上,文件在这里:

On 64-bit systems the file is here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft.NET\SDK\CompactFramework\v3.5\WindowsCE\Diagnostics`

2) 在您的设备上找到该文件,从您的设备上点击它,它会自动安装.

2) Locate the file on your device, Tap on it from your device and it would install automatically.

这篇关于请为 Windows Mobile 5.0 及更高版本安装“NETCFv35.Messages.EN.wm.cab"或为其他平台安装“NETCFv35.Messages.EN.cab".重新启动一个的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-24 18:47