

我有一个名为outercab.cab的cab文件和这个名为innercab.cab的cab文件中的另一个cab文件。内部cab文件包含result.xml。有没有办法让我无需写入磁盘即可获取result.xml的内容? (在记忆中做到这一切)?我有这个,它写入磁盘:

I have a cab file called "outercab.cab" and another cab file within this cab file called "innercab.cab". The inner cab file contains "result.xml". Is there a way for me to get the contents of result.xml without having to write to disk? (Do it all in memory)? I have this, which writes to disk:

public string GetResults(string pathToOuterCab)
        //Unpack outer cab to get innercab.cab and place in temp folder
        var cabToUnpack = new CabInfo(pathToOuterCab);
        string tempEnvironmentPath = "C:\SomePath\Temp";
        CabEngine engine = new CabEngine();

        FileStream innerCab = new FileStream(tempEnvironmentPath + @"\innercab.cab", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite);
        foreach (ArchiveFileInfo archiveFileInfo in engine.GetFileInfo(innerCab))
            //Extract innercab.cab in memory to access results.xml contents
            Stream stream = engine.Unpack(innerCab, archiveFileInfo.Name);
            byte[] buffer = new byte[stream.Length];
            stream.Read(buffer, 0, (int)stream.Length);
            string xml = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer);

            DirectoryInfo tempDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\SomePath\Temp");
            foreach(System.IO.FileInfo file in tempDirectory.GetFiles())
            return xml;
        return null;




The problem with this is that it is not thread safe. Multiple people can be writing/deleting from the temp folder. So, I want to do the whole process in memory. Currently only the inner cab is unpacked in memory. Any idea how to do this?

What I have tried:

I've tried extracting the inner cab in memory. But the outer cab, when extracted, its contents are currently written to disk, which is not thread safe.



10-23 02:12