

我在Windows 7 64位(使用msvc 2010)上使用Qt Creator构建了Qt 5应用程序.该应用程序可以在我的计算机上完美运行,但不能在其他计算机上运行.

I built a Qt 5 application using Qt Creator on Windows 7 64 bit (using msvc 2010).The application runs perfectly on my computer but it won't work on other computers.

我将在 Dependency Walker 中显示为丢失的所有.dll复制到了程序文件夹中,没有错误,但是应用程序无法运行.

I copied all the .dlls which were shown as missing in Dependency Walker into the program folder and there is no error, but the application just won't run.

我已经在Windows XP和Windows 7 64位和32位上对其进行了测试.

I've tested it on Windows XP and Windows 7 64 and 32 bit.
What can I do in order to find out what's wrong?

更新:我安装了Qt 4.8.4(vs 2008)和msvc 2008 Express并对其进行了编译,并且它可以在其他计算机上运行,​​并带有Qt4的.dlls.也许有人知道Qt5有什么问题...

UPDATE: i installed Qt 4.8.4 (vs 2008) and msvc 2008 express and i compiled it and it's runs on other computers, with the .dlls of Qt4.maybe someone know what the problem with Qt5...




You need to include the "platform" directory containing qwindows.dll and qminimal.dll in your executable directory. You can find the directory under the "plugins" folder.


If you don't add this, your application will appear to load and then exit with return code 0. Dependency walker cant help you because the DLLs are delay-loaded.


08-03 17:15