本文介绍了XRX 是唯一的全栈 Web 应用程序“框架"吗?那完全是W3C?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


XRX 是指前端完全用 XML 方言编写,后端完全用 XML 方言编写并且数据在它们之间作为 XML over REST 传递的应用程序.

XRX means an application where the front end is written entirely in XML dialects and the back end is written entirely in XML dialects and data is passed between them as XML over REST.

这是唯一一个完全由 W3C 维护的技术组成的 Web 应用程序堆栈吗?

Is it correct that this is the only web application stack that is composed solely of technologies maintained by the W3C?


我认为回答这个问题的最好方法是 XRX 是我所知道的唯一一个包含两个重要 Web 标准的 Web 架构:XQuery 和 XForms,用于创建便携式网络应用程序.REST 并不是真正的 W3C 标准,而是一种围绕简单键值存储构建的架构风格.REST 通常与 SOAP 形成对比,SOAP 不具备 REST 固有的缓存能力.有些人喜欢将 REST 视为围绕另一个 W3C 标准 (HTTP) 构建的标准架构".HTTP 标准化了支持 REST 架构的 GET、PUT、POST、DELETE 操作.

I think the best way to answer this is that XRX the only web architecture that I am aware of that incorporates two important web standards: XQuery and XForms, to create portable web applications. REST is not really a W3C standard per say, but an architectural style built around simple key-value stores. REST is usually contrasted with SOAP, which does not have the inherent caching abilities of REST. Some people like to think of REST as a "standard architecture" built around another W3C standard (HTTP). HTTP standardizes GET, PUT, POST, DELETE operations that enable REST architectures.

当我在 2008 年创造术语 XRX 时 [1] 我发现有很多人使用这种简单的 Web 应用程序开发风格,但它缺乏像AJAX"这样的单一名称.因为 XRX 避免了对象,关系数据库和对象-关系映射使用起来要简单得多.这种简单性大大提高了非程序员参与 Web 应用程序开发的敏捷性和能力.如果了解 XML 和一些 XPath,您可以在一周左右的培训后创建应用程序.

When I coined the term XRX back in 2008 [1] I found that there were many people using this style of simple web application development but it lacked a single name like "AJAX". Because XRX avoided objects, relational databases and object-relational mapping is was much simpler to use. This simplicity caused a large increase in agility and the ability for non-programmers to participate in web application development. If knew XML and a bit of XPath you could create applications after a week or so of training.

现在随着许多文档存储数据库(Mongo、Couchbase、CouchDB)的兴起,现在有许多类似的架构共享避免 OR 层的特性(例如 JQuery、BSON 和 MongoDB),但它们缺乏跨多个客户端的可移植性和服务器.XRX 使用许多 XForms 前端(XSLTForms、betterFORM、Orbeon、IBM Forms)和许多数据库后端(eXist-db、BaseX、MarkLogic),因此您的应用程序具有更高的可移植性.

Now with the rise of many document store databases (Mongo, Couchbase, CouchDB) there now many similar architectures that share the property of avoiding the OR-layer (e.g. JQuery, BSON and MongoDB) but they lack portability across multiple clients and servers. XRX uses many XForms front ends (XSLTForms, betterFORM, Orbeon, IBM Forms) and many database backends (eXist-db, BaseX, MarkLogic) so you have more portability of your applications.


So my short answer is "yes".

  1. http://www.oreillynet.com/xml/blog/2008/05/xrx_a_simple_elegant_disruptiv_1.html

这篇关于XRX 是唯一的全栈 Web 应用程序“框架"吗?那完全是W3C?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

06-17 11:56