


Is there a recommended way of testing that an actor has properly changed its behavior using become? One of the reasons I prefer using FSM is because I can easily verify that an Actor has changed its behavior. I don't know how I am supposed to do this when using become/unbecome.


尽管我认为有可能推出一个自定义的pub / sub whaty,它将通知订户有关状态转换的信息,如果我是你,我不会打扰。您要测试的是新行为,而不是事实是过渡是由实现细节(例如变得/变得不受欢迎或FSM)引起的。尽管使用FSM做到这一点很容易,但我还是给您;)

Although I suppose it would be possible to roll out a custom pub/sub thingy, which would notify subscribers about state transitions, I wouldn't bother if I were you. What you want to test is the new behavior not the fact that the transition was caused by an implementation detail like become/unbecome or FSM for that matter. Although it is quite easy to do this with FSM, I give you that ;)


06-20 12:01