I'm trying to do something that should be very common: add/edit a bunch of related models in a single form. For example:
Visitor Details:
Select destinations and activities:
Miami [] - swimming [], clubbing [], sunbathing[]
Cancun [] - swimming [], clubbing [], sunbathing[]
My models are Visitor, Destination and Activity, with Visitor having a ManyToMany field into Destination through an intermediary model, VisitorDestination, which has the details of the activities to be done on the destination (in itself a ManyToMany field into Activity).
Visitor ---->(M2M though VisitorDestination) -------------> Destination
activities ---->(M2M)---> Activity
请注意,我不想输入新目的地/活动值,只是从数据库中可用的值中选择(但这是对 M2M 字段的完全合法使用对吗?)
Note that I don't want to enter new destination / activity values, just choose from those available in the db (but that's a perfectly legit use of M2M fields right?)
对我来说,这看起来是一种非常普遍的情况(与其他细节的多对多关系,这些细节是 FK 或 M2M 字段到其他模型中),这看起来是最明智的建模,但如果我'我错了.
To me this looks like an extremely common situation (a many to many relation with additional details which are a FK or M2M field into some other model), and this looks like the most sensible modelling, but please correct me if I'm wrong.
我花了几天时间搜索 Django 文档/SO/谷歌搜索,但一直无法弄清楚如何处理这个问题.我尝试了几种方法:
I've spent a few days searching Django docs / SO / googling but haven't been able to work out how to deal with this. I tried several approaches:
访客的自定义模型表单,我在其中为目的地和活动添加了多个选择字段.如果 Destination 和 Activity 可以独立选择,那就没问题了,但这里它们相关,即我想为每个目的地选择一个或多个活动
Custom Model form for Visitor, where I add multiple choice fields for Destination and Activity. That works ok if Destination and Activity could be selected independently, but here they are correlated, ie I want to choose one or several activities for each destination
生成一组目的地/活动表单,使用inlineformset_factory(Destination, Visitor)
.这打破了,因为访问者与目的地有 M2M 关系,而不是 FK.
Using inlineformset_factory
to generate the set of destination / activities forms, with inlineformset_factory(Destination, Visitor)
. This breaks, because Visitor has a M2M relation to Destination, rather than a FK.
自定义普通表单集,例如DestinationActivityFormSet = formset_factory(DestinationActivityForm, extra=2)
?我还没有对此进行足够的探索,但它看起来不太有希望:我不想输入目的地和活动列表,我想要一个复选框列表,其中标签设置为我想要的目的地/活动选择,但 formset_factory
Customizing a plain formset, using formset_factory
, eg DestinationActivityFormSet = formset_factory(DestinationActivityForm, extra=2)
. But how to design DestinationActivityForm
? I haven't explored this enough, but it doesn't look very promising: I don't want to type in the destination and a list of activities, I want a list of checkboxes with the labels set to the destination / activities I want to select, but the formset_factory
would return a list of forms with identical labels.
我是 django 的完全新手,所以也许解决方案是显而易见的,但我发现这方面的文档非常薄弱 - 如果有人有一些指向表单/表单集使用示例的指示,也会有所帮助
I'm a complete newbie with django so maybe the solution is obvious, but I find that the documentation in this area is very weak - if anyone has some pointers to examples of use for forms / formsets that would be also helpful
In the end I opted for processing multiple forms within the same view, a Visitor model form for the visitor details, then a list of custom forms for each of the destinations.
Processing multiple forms in the same view turned out to be simple enough (at least in this case, where there were no cross-field validation issues).
I'm still surprised there is no built-in support for many to many relationships with an intermediary model, and looking around in the web I found no direct reference to it. I'll post the code in case it helps anyone.
class VisitorForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Visitor
exclude = ['destinations']
class VisitorDestinationForm(Form):
visited = forms.BooleanField(required=False)
activities = forms.MultipleChoiceField(choices = [(obj.pk, obj.name) for obj in Activity.objects.all()], required=False,
widget = CheckboxSelectMultipleInline(attrs={'style' : 'display:inline'}))
def __init__(self, visitor, destination, visited, *args, **kwargs):
super(VisitorDestinationForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.destination = destination
self.fields['visited'].initial = visited
self.fields['visited'].label= destination.destination
# load initial choices for activities
activities_initial = []
visitorDestination_entry = VisitorDestination.objects.get(visitor=visitor, destination=destination)
activities = visitorDestination_entry.activities.all()
for activity in Activity.objects.all():
if activity in activities:
except VisitorDestination.DoesNotExist:
self.fields['activities'].initial = activities_initial
我通过传递一个 Visitor
和 Destination
I customize each form by passing a Visitor
and Destination
objects (and a 'visited' flag which is calculated outside for convenience)
I use a boolean field to allow the user to select each destination. The field is called 'visited', however I set the label to the destination so it gets nicely displayed.
活动由通常的 MultipleChoiceField 处理(我使用我自定义的小部件让复选框显示在表格上,非常简单,但如果有人需要,可以发布)
The activities get handled by the usual MultipleChoiceField (I used I customized widget to get the checkboxes to display on a table, pretty simple but can post it if somebody needs that)
def edit_visitor(request, pk):
visitor_obj = Visitor.objects.get(pk=pk)
visitorDestinations = visitor_obj.destinations.all()
if request.method == 'POST':
visitorForm = VisitorForm(request.POST, instance=visitor_obj)
# set up the visitor destination forms
destinationForms = []
for destination in Destination.objects.all():
visited = destination in visitorDestinations
destinationForms.append(VisitorDestinationForm(visitor_obj, destination, visited, request.POST, prefix=destination.destination))
if visitorForm.is_valid() and all([form.is_valid() for form in destinationForms]):
visitor_obj = visitorForm.save()
# clear any existing entries,
for form in destinationForms:
if form.cleaned_data['visited']:
visitorDestination_entry = VisitorDestination(visitor = visitor_obj, destination=form.destination)
for activity_pk in form.cleaned_data['activities']:
activity = Activity.objects.get(pk=activity_pk)
print 'activities: %s' % visitorDestination_entry.activities.all()
success_url = reverse('visitor_detail', kwargs={'pk' : visitor_obj.pk})
return HttpResponseRedirect(success_url)
visitorForm = VisitorForm(instance=visitor_obj)
# set up the visitor destination forms
destinationForms = []
for destination in Destination.objects.all():
visited = destination in visitorDestinations
destinationForms.append(VisitorDestinationForm(visitor_obj, destination, visited, prefix=destination.destination))
return render_to_response('testapp/edit_visitor.html', {'form': visitorForm, 'destinationForms' : destinationForms, 'visitor' : visitor_obj}, context_instance= RequestContext(request))
I simply collect my destination forms in a list and pass this list to my template, so that it can iterate over them and display them. It works well as long as you don't forget to pass a different prefix for each one in the constructor
I'll leave the question open for a few days in case some one has a cleaner method.
这篇关于django 表单:在单个表单中编辑多组相关对象的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!